Writing Rules

The page structure of the article work to be published should be "A4" size single column. The top and bottom gaps are 13mm. Left and right gaps should be 25mm.

The text should be written in "Times New Roman" and include the following sections.


16 Pins, Bold, Centered

- Author (s) and contact information

Author Names 12 Point, Bold, Medium,

Contact information 10 pt thick, justified

- Abstract

10 Pt, justified


10 pt, justified


10 Pt, justified

-Tables (if necessary)

Table number is 10 Pt, bold, centered. Table header is 10 pt. centered.  Table content is at least 6, maximum 10 pt.

- Figures (if necessary)

Figure name 10 Pt, centered. The figures should be high quality.

- Conclusions

10 pt, justified

- Thanks (optional)

10 pt, italic, justified

- References

References should be editted according to APA-6 Standarts. 10 pt, justfied, All references should be cited in the text.

-Additional files for tables, figures and graphics (if necessary)

-Other Annexes (if necessary)

Please refer to "sciennovation_tmpl.docx" for the sample article format.

Please click to download Temple.doc document