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Anatomical Investigations on Turkish Vulnerable Scrophularia species: Scrophularia lepidota Boiss.( Scrophulariaceae)

Year 2025, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 48 - 54, 25.03.2025


In this study, the root, stem and leaf anatomy of Scrophularia lepidota, a narrowly distributed endemic species specific to our country, whose morphological features are known, was investigated. Plant materials were collected from Ziyarettepe, Ulaş district of Sivas, Türkiye and anatomically analyzed. In the root cross-section, root is in the secondary structure, there are 5–8 cell layered periderm in outside and under periderm tissue, there are 6–10 cell layered pericycle. The stem is in primary structure, covered by uniseriate epidermis and stellate epidermal trichomes. Under the epidermis there is cortex tissue which consists of 6–8 cell layers. The leaves are equifasiyal according to the mesophyll layer, and amphistatic according to the presence of stoma. The midrib is oval–circular in shape, and is surrounded by a single cell layered bundle sheath. There are idioblastic cells in leaf cross section. The determined anatomical features of S. lepidota were compared with previous anatomical studies on other species of the genus Scrophularia and the results were discussed. In this study, the anatomical features of S. lepidota, which is endemic to our country, were revealed for the first time. In addition, by determining the anatomical features of S. lepidota, a contribution was made to the general anatomical features and systematics of the genus Scrophularia.


  • [1] Bigazzi M., A survey on the intraclear inclusions in the Schrophulariaceae and their systematic significance, Nordic journal of botany, 13(1) (1993) 19-31.
  • [2] Sotoodeh A., Histoire biogéographique et évolutive des genres Verbascum et Artemisia en Iran a l’aide de la phylogéniamolécularie, Ph.D Thesie. Paul Sabatier Université, Ecology, Toulouse, (2015) France.
  • [3] Seçmen Ö., Gemici Y., Görk G., Bekat L., Leblebici E., Tohumlu Bitkiler Sistematiği, 5. Baskı, İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi (1998) 200-220.
  • [4] Juan R., Pasto J., Fernandez I., Sem and light microscope observations on fruit and seeds in Scrophulariaceae from Southwest Spain and their systematic significance, Annals of Botany, 86 (2000) 323–338.
  • [5] Dayı F., Anatomical Studies on the Parasitic Plants Distributed in Balıkesir, Institute of Science and Technology, Master's Thesis: Balıkesir University, Balıkesir-Turkey (2015).
  • [6] Lersten N. R., Curtis J. D., Anatomy and distribution of foliar idioblasts in Scrophularia and Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), American Journal of Botany, 84 (12) (1997) 1638–1645.
  • [7] Stiefelhagen H., Systematische und pflanzengeographicsche Studien zur Kenhtnis der Gattung Scrophularia, Botanische Fahrbücher, 44 (1910) 406–496.
  • [8] Makbul S., Beyazoğlu O., Morphological and anatomical studies on some Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) taxa from NE Anatolia, Turkey, Iran. J. Bot., 15 (2) (2009) 186–195.
  • [9] Lall S. S., Mill R. R., Scrophularia L. in P. H. Davis (ed.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Edinburgh Univ. Press., Edinburgh, (1978), Vol. 6: 603–647
  • [10] Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M. & Babaç M. T., List of Plants of Turkey (Vascular Plants). Publication of Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association, Istanbul, (2012) 280-282.
  • [11] Volkens G., Die Flora der aegyptisch–arabischen Wüste auf Grundlage anatomisch–physiologischer Forschungen dargesttellt. Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, (1887) 520-522.
  • [12] Metcalfe C. R., Chalk L., Anatomy of Dicotyledons. 1st ed. vol. 2 –Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1950):120-122.
  • [13] Holm T., Gerardia L. and Buchenera L., With supplementary note on Gratiola an anatomical study, Am. J. Sci.,218 (1929) 401–411.
  • [14] Pennel F. W., Agalinis and allies in North America. II. Proc. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia 81 (1929) 111–249.
  • [15] Pennel F. W., The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America (41 Gerardia). Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila, Monogr. 1 (1935) 419–476.
  • [16] Makbul S., Coşkunçelebi K., Türkmen Z., Beyazoğlu O., Morphology and anatomy of Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) taxa from NE Anatolia. Acta Biological Cracoviensia Series Botanica 48 (1) (2006) 33–43.
  • [17] Kaplan A., Inceoğlu Ö., Leaf Anatomy and Morphology of 14 Species Belonging to the Turkish Rhinantheae (Scrophulariaceae) Tribe Israel Journal of Plant Sciences,51 (2003) 297–305.
  • [18] Davis PH., Scrophulariaceae. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Vol 6: (1978) 458–603.
  • [19] Ekim T., Koyuncu M., Vural M., Duman H., Aytaç Z., Adıgüzel N., The Red Book of Plants of Turkey. Ankara: Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Dernegi and Yüzüncüyıl University, (2000) 120-125.
  • [20] Brown C. A., Palynological Techniques: Baton Rouge. Louisiana State Univ., (1960) 351-353.
  • [21] Yılmaz G., Determination of toxic effects of herbicide Attribut (propoxycarbazonesodium) and surfactant BioPower (alkylethersulphate sodiumsalt) on Triticum aestivum L. cv. Pehlivan. PhD Thesis: Institue of Science University of Trakya,. Edirne-Turkey, (2009).
  • [22] Shields L. M., Leaf xeromorphy as related to physiological and structural influences. The Botanical Review, 16 (1950) 399-447.
  • [23] Solereder H., Systematic anatomy of the dicotyledons. Translated from German by L. A. Boodle and D. H. Scott revised from 1899 edition by D. H. Scott Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1908) 180-182.

Türkiye'nin Zarar Görebilir(VU) Kategorisinde Yer alan Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae) Türü Üzerine Anatomik Araştırmalar: Scrophularia lepidota Boiss.

Year 2025, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 48 - 54, 25.03.2025


Bu çalışmada, morfolojik özellikleri bilinen ve ülkemize özgü, dar yayılışlı endemik bir tür olan Scrophularia lepidota' nın kök, gövde ve yaprak anatomisi incelenmiştir. Bitki materyalleri, Türkiye’nin Sivas ilinin Ulaş ilçesi Ziyarettepe mevkiinden toplanarak anatomik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Kök enine kesitinde, kökün sekonder yapıda olduğu, dışta 5–8 hücre katmanlı periderm ve periderm dokusunun altında 6–10 hücre katmanlı perisikl bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Gövde, primer yapıdadır; tek sıralı epidermis ve yıldız şeklinde epidermal tüylerle kaplanmıştır. Epidermisin altında 6–8 hücre katmanından oluşan korteks dokusu bulunmaktadır. Yapraklar, mezofil tabakasına göre ekvifasiyal, stomaların bulunmasına göre amfistatik yapıya sahiptir. Orta damar oval–yuvarlak şekilli olup tek sıralı hücrelerden oluşan bir demet kını ile çevrilidir. Yaprak enine kesitinde idiyoblastik hücreler yer almaktadır. Scrophularia lepidota'nın belirlenen anatomik özellikleri, Scrophularia cinsine ait diğer türler üzerinde yapılan önceki anatomik çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçlar tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Scrophularia lepidota'nın anatomik özellikleri belirlenmiş ve böylece Scrophularia cinsinin genel anatomik özellikleri ve sistematiğine katkıda bulunulmuştur.


  • [1] Bigazzi M., A survey on the intraclear inclusions in the Schrophulariaceae and their systematic significance, Nordic journal of botany, 13(1) (1993) 19-31.
  • [2] Sotoodeh A., Histoire biogéographique et évolutive des genres Verbascum et Artemisia en Iran a l’aide de la phylogéniamolécularie, Ph.D Thesie. Paul Sabatier Université, Ecology, Toulouse, (2015) France.
  • [3] Seçmen Ö., Gemici Y., Görk G., Bekat L., Leblebici E., Tohumlu Bitkiler Sistematiği, 5. Baskı, İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi (1998) 200-220.
  • [4] Juan R., Pasto J., Fernandez I., Sem and light microscope observations on fruit and seeds in Scrophulariaceae from Southwest Spain and their systematic significance, Annals of Botany, 86 (2000) 323–338.
  • [5] Dayı F., Anatomical Studies on the Parasitic Plants Distributed in Balıkesir, Institute of Science and Technology, Master's Thesis: Balıkesir University, Balıkesir-Turkey (2015).
  • [6] Lersten N. R., Curtis J. D., Anatomy and distribution of foliar idioblasts in Scrophularia and Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), American Journal of Botany, 84 (12) (1997) 1638–1645.
  • [7] Stiefelhagen H., Systematische und pflanzengeographicsche Studien zur Kenhtnis der Gattung Scrophularia, Botanische Fahrbücher, 44 (1910) 406–496.
  • [8] Makbul S., Beyazoğlu O., Morphological and anatomical studies on some Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) taxa from NE Anatolia, Turkey, Iran. J. Bot., 15 (2) (2009) 186–195.
  • [9] Lall S. S., Mill R. R., Scrophularia L. in P. H. Davis (ed.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Edinburgh Univ. Press., Edinburgh, (1978), Vol. 6: 603–647
  • [10] Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M. & Babaç M. T., List of Plants of Turkey (Vascular Plants). Publication of Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association, Istanbul, (2012) 280-282.
  • [11] Volkens G., Die Flora der aegyptisch–arabischen Wüste auf Grundlage anatomisch–physiologischer Forschungen dargesttellt. Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, (1887) 520-522.
  • [12] Metcalfe C. R., Chalk L., Anatomy of Dicotyledons. 1st ed. vol. 2 –Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1950):120-122.
  • [13] Holm T., Gerardia L. and Buchenera L., With supplementary note on Gratiola an anatomical study, Am. J. Sci.,218 (1929) 401–411.
  • [14] Pennel F. W., Agalinis and allies in North America. II. Proc. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia 81 (1929) 111–249.
  • [15] Pennel F. W., The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America (41 Gerardia). Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila, Monogr. 1 (1935) 419–476.
  • [16] Makbul S., Coşkunçelebi K., Türkmen Z., Beyazoğlu O., Morphology and anatomy of Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) taxa from NE Anatolia. Acta Biological Cracoviensia Series Botanica 48 (1) (2006) 33–43.
  • [17] Kaplan A., Inceoğlu Ö., Leaf Anatomy and Morphology of 14 Species Belonging to the Turkish Rhinantheae (Scrophulariaceae) Tribe Israel Journal of Plant Sciences,51 (2003) 297–305.
  • [18] Davis PH., Scrophulariaceae. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Vol 6: (1978) 458–603.
  • [19] Ekim T., Koyuncu M., Vural M., Duman H., Aytaç Z., Adıgüzel N., The Red Book of Plants of Turkey. Ankara: Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Dernegi and Yüzüncüyıl University, (2000) 120-125.
  • [20] Brown C. A., Palynological Techniques: Baton Rouge. Louisiana State Univ., (1960) 351-353.
  • [21] Yılmaz G., Determination of toxic effects of herbicide Attribut (propoxycarbazonesodium) and surfactant BioPower (alkylethersulphate sodiumsalt) on Triticum aestivum L. cv. Pehlivan. PhD Thesis: Institue of Science University of Trakya,. Edirne-Turkey, (2009).
  • [22] Shields L. M., Leaf xeromorphy as related to physiological and structural influences. The Botanical Review, 16 (1950) 399-447.
  • [23] Solereder H., Systematic anatomy of the dicotyledons. Translated from German by L. A. Boodle and D. H. Scott revised from 1899 edition by D. H. Scott Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1908) 180-182.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Morphology and Anatomy
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Hülya Özpınar 0000-0001-8154-0874

Serhat Bozan 0009-0009-5199-8265

Mehmet Tekin 0000-0002-6504-2223

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date December 21, 2024
Acceptance Date March 17, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025Volume: 46 Issue: 1


APA Özpınar, H., Bozan, S., & Tekin, M. (2025). Anatomical Investigations on Turkish Vulnerable Scrophularia species: Scrophularia lepidota Boiss.( Scrophulariaceae). Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 46(1), 48-54.