Research Article
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Assessing the Impact of Patient Lung Volume Variations on Absorbed Lung Doses at Y-90 Therapy Using GATE Toolkit

Year 2025, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 162 - 166, 25.03.2025


In Y-90 treatment, the dose values received by the target organ and tumour, as well as the dose values received by critical organs, have a significant impact on the treatment planning process and ultimately determine the amount of activity to be used in the treatment. To this end, 10 different phantoms containing lung volumes ranging from small to large for the same activity values in the liver have been designed to evaluate the risk of lung toxicity in Y-90 treatment. Utilizing the GATE toolkit, a 10 mm diameter tumour volume containing 10 mCi activity has been positioned within the liver geometry, and the absorbed dose values have been calculated in lung volumes ranging from 3,103E+06 to 4,727E+06 mm³ in the right lung and from 2,021E+06 to 3,080E+06 mm³ in the left lung. Absorbed dose values have been calculated as maximum 3,046E-071,607E-08 Gy/s, minimum 1,868E-071,177E-08 Gy/s in left lung, maximum 8,772E-086,905E-09 Gy/s, minimum 5,164E-084,963E-09 Gy/s in right lung and maximum 3,923E-071,14852E-08 Gy/s , minimum 2,384E-078,36556E-09 Gy/s in total lung. The results of this study may indicate that the absorbed dose value in the lung increases with an increase in lung volume. A comparison has been made with existing studies in the literature.


  • [1] Kouri B.E., Abrams R.A., Al-Refaie W.B., et al., ACR appropriateness criteria radiologic management of hepatic malignancy, J. Am. Coll. Radiol., 12(3) (2012) 265–273.
  • [2] Ahmadzadehfar H., Biersack HJ., Ezziddin S., Radioembolization of liver tumors with yttrium-90 microspheres, Semin Nucl Med, 40 (2010) 105-21.
  • [3] Mulcahy M.F., Lewandowski R.J., Ibrahim S.M., Sato K.T., Ryu R.K., Atassi B., Newman S., Talamonti M., Omary R.A., Benson A., Salem R., Radioembolization of colorectal hepatic metastases using yttrium-90 microspheres, Cancer, 115(9) (2009) 1849-58.
  • [4] Covey A.M., Brody L.A., Maluccio M.A., Getrajdman G.I., Brown K.T., Variant hepatic arterial anatomy revisited: digital subtraction angiography performed in 600 patients, Radiology, 224(2) (2002) 542–547.
  • [5] Lewandowski R.J., Sato K.T., Atassi B., et al., Radioembolization with 90Y microspheres: angiographic and technical considerations, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol., 30(4) (2007) 571–592.
  • [6] Viñal D., Minaya-Bravo A., Prieto I. et al., Ytrrium-90 transarterial radioembolization in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, Clin Transl Oncol , 24 (2022) 796–808.
  • [7] Harder E.M., Park H.S., Chen Z.J., Decker R.H., Pulmonary dose-volume predictors of radiation pneumonitis following stereotactic body radiation therapy, Pract. Radiat. Oncol., 6 (2016) 353–359.
  • [8] Yu N., Srinivas S.M., Difilippo F.P., Shrikanthan S., Levitin A., McLennan G., et al., Lung dose calculation with SPECT/CT for Yittrium-90 radioembolization of liver cancer, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 85(3) (2013) 834–9.
  • [9] Salem R., Johnson G.E., Kim E., Riaz A., Bishay V., Boucher E., Fowers K., Lewandowski R., Padia S.A., Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for the Treatment of Solitary, Unresectable HCC: The LEGACY Study, Hepatology, 74(5) (2021) 2342-2352.
  • [10] Yuki B., Josep M., Takeo T., Sara L., Amita K., Pamela A., William S., Lucas F., Rahul S.P., Ganesh G., Edward K., Thomas D.S., Marcelo E. F., A comparative study of portal vein embolization versus radiation lobectomy with Yttrium-90 micropheres in preparation for liver resection for initially unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, Surgery, 169(5) (2021) 1044-1051.
  • [11] Smits M.L.J., Nijsen J.F.W., van den Bosch M.A.A.J., Lam, M.G.E.H., Vente M.A.D., Huijbregts J.E., van het Schip A.D., Elschot M., Bult W., de Jong H.W.A.M., Meulenhoff P.C.W., Zonnenberg B.A., Holmium-166 radioembolization for the treatment of patients with liver metastases: design of the phase I HEPAR trial, J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res., 29 (2010) 70.
  • [12] Bastiaannet, R., Kappadath, S.C., Kunnen, B., Braat A.J.A.T., Lam M.G.E.H., de Jong H.W.A.M., The physics of radioembolization, EJNMMI Phys., 5(1) (2018) 22.
  • [13] Gulec S.A., Mesoloras G., Stabin M., Dosimetric techniques in 90Y-microsphere therapy of liver cancer: The MIRD equations for dose calculations, J. Nucl. Med., 47(7) (2006) 1209-1211.
  • [14] Gulec S.A., Mesoloras G., Dezarn W.A., et al., Safety and efficacy of Y-90 microsphere treatment in patients with primary and metastatic liver cancer: the tumor selectivity of the treatment as a function of tumor to liver flow ratio, J Transl Med. 14 (2007) 5-15.
  • [15] D’Angelis C. A., Coalson J. J., Ryan M.R., Pediatric critical care. Chapter 36-Structure of the respiratory system: lower respritory tract, 4nd ed. Mosby, (2011) 490-498.
  • [16] Margolis L.W., Philips T.L., Whole lung irradiation for metastatic tumour, Radiology, 93 (1969) 1173–8.
  • [17] Stella M., van Rooij R., Lam M.G.E.H., de Jong H.W.A.M., Braat A.J.A.T., Lung Dose Measured on Postradioembolization 90Y PET/CT and Incidence of Radiation Pneumonitis, J Nucl Med., 63(7) (2022) 1075-1080.
  • [18] Grandmaison G.L., Clairand I., Durigon M., Organ weight in 684 adult autopsies: new tables for a Caucasoid population, Forensic Science International, 119(2) (2001) 149-154.
  • [19] Elsayed M., Cheng B., Xing M., et al., Comparison of Tc-99m MAA Planar Versus SPECT/CT Imaging for Lung Shunt Fraction Evaluation Prior to Y-90 Radioembolization: Are We Overestimating Lung Shunt Fraction?, Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 44 (2021) 254–260.
  • [20] Gill H., Hiller J., Systematic review of lung shunt fraction quantification comparing SPECT/CT and planar scintigraphy for yttrium 90 radioembolization planning, Clin Transl Imaging, 9 (2021) 181–188.
  • [21] Mercolli L., Zeimpekis K., Prenosil G.A., Sari H., Rathke H.G., Rominger A., Shi K., Phantom study for 90Y liver radioembolization dosimetry with a long axial field-of-view PET/CT, Phys Med., 118 (2024) 103296.
  • [22] Allred J.D., Niedbala J., Mikell J.K., et al., The value of 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT for lung shunt estimation in 90Y radioembolization: a phantom and patient study, EJNMMI Res 8, 50 (2018).
  • [23] D’Arienzo M., Pimpinella M., Capogni M., et al., Phantom validation of quantitative Y-90 PET/CT-based dosimetry in liver radioembolization, EJNMMI Res 7, 94 (2017).
  • [24] Busse N., Erwin W., Pan T., Evaluation of a semiautomated lung mass calculation technique for internal dosimetry applications, Med Phys., 40(12) (2013) 122503.
  • [25] Georgiou M.F., Kuker R.A., Studenski M.T., et al., Lung shunt fraction calculation using 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT imaging for 90Y microsphere selective internal radiation therapy of liver tumors. EJNMMI Res 11, 96 (2021).
  • [26] Karimipourfard M., Sina S., Alavi M.S, Toward three-dimensional patient-specific internal dosimetry using GATE Monte Carlo technique, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 95 (2022) 110046.
  • [27] Arun G., et al., Precliinical voxel-based dosimetry through GATE Monte Carlo simulation using PET/CT imaging of mice, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(9) (2019) 095007.
  • [28] Tanyıldızı- Kokkulunk H., Demir M., Karadeniz-Yildirim A., Ozkorucuklu S., Doğan Y., Akkuş B., Y-90 Dosimetry with Monte Carlo Method: GATE Validation with STL Formatted Phantom, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A , 138(6) (2020) 801-808.
  • [29] Karadeniz-Yildirim A., Ozkorucuklu S., Tanyildizi-Kokkulunk H. et al., Monte Carlo Simulation of Liver Dosimetry with Yttrium-90 Radionuclide Using Gate: 3D Phantom, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst, 51 (2024) 30–37.
  • [30] Karadeniz-Yildirim A.,Tanyildizi-Kokkulunk H., Comparison of Y-90 and Ho-166 Dosimetry Using Liver Phantom: A Monte Carlo Study, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Cancer Agents), 22(7) (2022) 1348-1353.

GATE Araç Seti Kullanılarak Hasta Akciğer Hacmi Değişimlerinin Y-90 TedavisindeAbsorbe Akciğer Dozları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 162 - 166, 25.03.2025


Y-90 tedavisinde hedef organ ve tümörün aldığı doz değerlerinin yanı sıra kritik organların aldığı doz değerleri de tedavi planlama sürecini önemli ölçüde etkilemekte ve sonuçta tedavide kullanılacak aktivite miktarını belirlemektedir. Bu amaçla, Y-90 tedavisinde akciğer toksisitesi riskini değerlendirmek için karaciğerde aynı aktivite değerleri için küçükten büyüğe değişen akciğer hacimleri içeren 10 farklı fantom tasarlanmıştır. GATE araç seti kullanılarak, 10 mCi aktivite içeren 10 mm çapında bir tümör hacmi karaciğer geometrisi içine yerleştirilmiş ve sağ akciğerde 3.103E+06 ila 4.727E+06 mm³ ve sol akciğerde 2.021E+06 ila 3.080E+06 mm³ arasında değişen akciğer hacimlerinde soğurulan doz değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Absorbe edilen doz değerleri sol akciğerde maksimum 3,046E-071,607E-08 Gy/s, minimum 1,868E-071,177E-08 Gy/s, sağ akciğerde maksimum 8,772E-086,905E-09 Gy/s, minimum 5,164E-084,963E-09 Gy/s ve total akciğerde maksimum 3,923E-071,14852E-08 Gy/s, minimum 2,384E-078,36556E-09 Gy/s olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, akciğer hacmindeki artışla birlikte akciğerde absorbe edilen doz değerinin arttığını gösterebilir. Literatürdeki mevcut çalışmalarla bir karşılaştırma yapılmıştır.


  • [1] Kouri B.E., Abrams R.A., Al-Refaie W.B., et al., ACR appropriateness criteria radiologic management of hepatic malignancy, J. Am. Coll. Radiol., 12(3) (2012) 265–273.
  • [2] Ahmadzadehfar H., Biersack HJ., Ezziddin S., Radioembolization of liver tumors with yttrium-90 microspheres, Semin Nucl Med, 40 (2010) 105-21.
  • [3] Mulcahy M.F., Lewandowski R.J., Ibrahim S.M., Sato K.T., Ryu R.K., Atassi B., Newman S., Talamonti M., Omary R.A., Benson A., Salem R., Radioembolization of colorectal hepatic metastases using yttrium-90 microspheres, Cancer, 115(9) (2009) 1849-58.
  • [4] Covey A.M., Brody L.A., Maluccio M.A., Getrajdman G.I., Brown K.T., Variant hepatic arterial anatomy revisited: digital subtraction angiography performed in 600 patients, Radiology, 224(2) (2002) 542–547.
  • [5] Lewandowski R.J., Sato K.T., Atassi B., et al., Radioembolization with 90Y microspheres: angiographic and technical considerations, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol., 30(4) (2007) 571–592.
  • [6] Viñal D., Minaya-Bravo A., Prieto I. et al., Ytrrium-90 transarterial radioembolization in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, Clin Transl Oncol , 24 (2022) 796–808.
  • [7] Harder E.M., Park H.S., Chen Z.J., Decker R.H., Pulmonary dose-volume predictors of radiation pneumonitis following stereotactic body radiation therapy, Pract. Radiat. Oncol., 6 (2016) 353–359.
  • [8] Yu N., Srinivas S.M., Difilippo F.P., Shrikanthan S., Levitin A., McLennan G., et al., Lung dose calculation with SPECT/CT for Yittrium-90 radioembolization of liver cancer, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 85(3) (2013) 834–9.
  • [9] Salem R., Johnson G.E., Kim E., Riaz A., Bishay V., Boucher E., Fowers K., Lewandowski R., Padia S.A., Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for the Treatment of Solitary, Unresectable HCC: The LEGACY Study, Hepatology, 74(5) (2021) 2342-2352.
  • [10] Yuki B., Josep M., Takeo T., Sara L., Amita K., Pamela A., William S., Lucas F., Rahul S.P., Ganesh G., Edward K., Thomas D.S., Marcelo E. F., A comparative study of portal vein embolization versus radiation lobectomy with Yttrium-90 micropheres in preparation for liver resection for initially unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, Surgery, 169(5) (2021) 1044-1051.
  • [11] Smits M.L.J., Nijsen J.F.W., van den Bosch M.A.A.J., Lam, M.G.E.H., Vente M.A.D., Huijbregts J.E., van het Schip A.D., Elschot M., Bult W., de Jong H.W.A.M., Meulenhoff P.C.W., Zonnenberg B.A., Holmium-166 radioembolization for the treatment of patients with liver metastases: design of the phase I HEPAR trial, J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res., 29 (2010) 70.
  • [12] Bastiaannet, R., Kappadath, S.C., Kunnen, B., Braat A.J.A.T., Lam M.G.E.H., de Jong H.W.A.M., The physics of radioembolization, EJNMMI Phys., 5(1) (2018) 22.
  • [13] Gulec S.A., Mesoloras G., Stabin M., Dosimetric techniques in 90Y-microsphere therapy of liver cancer: The MIRD equations for dose calculations, J. Nucl. Med., 47(7) (2006) 1209-1211.
  • [14] Gulec S.A., Mesoloras G., Dezarn W.A., et al., Safety and efficacy of Y-90 microsphere treatment in patients with primary and metastatic liver cancer: the tumor selectivity of the treatment as a function of tumor to liver flow ratio, J Transl Med. 14 (2007) 5-15.
  • [15] D’Angelis C. A., Coalson J. J., Ryan M.R., Pediatric critical care. Chapter 36-Structure of the respiratory system: lower respritory tract, 4nd ed. Mosby, (2011) 490-498.
  • [16] Margolis L.W., Philips T.L., Whole lung irradiation for metastatic tumour, Radiology, 93 (1969) 1173–8.
  • [17] Stella M., van Rooij R., Lam M.G.E.H., de Jong H.W.A.M., Braat A.J.A.T., Lung Dose Measured on Postradioembolization 90Y PET/CT and Incidence of Radiation Pneumonitis, J Nucl Med., 63(7) (2022) 1075-1080.
  • [18] Grandmaison G.L., Clairand I., Durigon M., Organ weight in 684 adult autopsies: new tables for a Caucasoid population, Forensic Science International, 119(2) (2001) 149-154.
  • [19] Elsayed M., Cheng B., Xing M., et al., Comparison of Tc-99m MAA Planar Versus SPECT/CT Imaging for Lung Shunt Fraction Evaluation Prior to Y-90 Radioembolization: Are We Overestimating Lung Shunt Fraction?, Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 44 (2021) 254–260.
  • [20] Gill H., Hiller J., Systematic review of lung shunt fraction quantification comparing SPECT/CT and planar scintigraphy for yttrium 90 radioembolization planning, Clin Transl Imaging, 9 (2021) 181–188.
  • [21] Mercolli L., Zeimpekis K., Prenosil G.A., Sari H., Rathke H.G., Rominger A., Shi K., Phantom study for 90Y liver radioembolization dosimetry with a long axial field-of-view PET/CT, Phys Med., 118 (2024) 103296.
  • [22] Allred J.D., Niedbala J., Mikell J.K., et al., The value of 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT for lung shunt estimation in 90Y radioembolization: a phantom and patient study, EJNMMI Res 8, 50 (2018).
  • [23] D’Arienzo M., Pimpinella M., Capogni M., et al., Phantom validation of quantitative Y-90 PET/CT-based dosimetry in liver radioembolization, EJNMMI Res 7, 94 (2017).
  • [24] Busse N., Erwin W., Pan T., Evaluation of a semiautomated lung mass calculation technique for internal dosimetry applications, Med Phys., 40(12) (2013) 122503.
  • [25] Georgiou M.F., Kuker R.A., Studenski M.T., et al., Lung shunt fraction calculation using 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT imaging for 90Y microsphere selective internal radiation therapy of liver tumors. EJNMMI Res 11, 96 (2021).
  • [26] Karimipourfard M., Sina S., Alavi M.S, Toward three-dimensional patient-specific internal dosimetry using GATE Monte Carlo technique, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 95 (2022) 110046.
  • [27] Arun G., et al., Precliinical voxel-based dosimetry through GATE Monte Carlo simulation using PET/CT imaging of mice, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(9) (2019) 095007.
  • [28] Tanyıldızı- Kokkulunk H., Demir M., Karadeniz-Yildirim A., Ozkorucuklu S., Doğan Y., Akkuş B., Y-90 Dosimetry with Monte Carlo Method: GATE Validation with STL Formatted Phantom, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A , 138(6) (2020) 801-808.
  • [29] Karadeniz-Yildirim A., Ozkorucuklu S., Tanyildizi-Kokkulunk H. et al., Monte Carlo Simulation of Liver Dosimetry with Yttrium-90 Radionuclide Using Gate: 3D Phantom, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst, 51 (2024) 30–37.
  • [30] Karadeniz-Yildirim A.,Tanyildizi-Kokkulunk H., Comparison of Y-90 and Ho-166 Dosimetry Using Liver Phantom: A Monte Carlo Study, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Cancer Agents), 22(7) (2022) 1348-1353.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nuclear Physics
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Ayşe Karadeniz Yıldırım 0000-0001-9301-4775

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date December 5, 2024
Acceptance Date February 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025Volume: 46 Issue: 1


APA Karadeniz Yıldırım, A. (2025). Assessing the Impact of Patient Lung Volume Variations on Absorbed Lung Doses at Y-90 Therapy Using GATE Toolkit. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 46(1), 162-166.