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Evaluation of Irisin Levels in Cancer Anorexia Cachexia Syndrome and the Relationship between Nutrition Education and Quality of Life

Year 2024, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 636 - 647, 30.12.2024


This study examines the effects of nutritional education given to individuals diagnosed with cancer anorexia cachexia syndrome (CACS) on serum irisin levels, cachectic factors, proinflammatory cytokines, quality of life scale results, and anthropometric and routine biochemical parameters. Forty-one patients diagnosed with CACS were randomly divided into two groups, experimental and control. Nutrition education was given for 12 weeks to the patients in the experimental group (n=23), while those in the control group (n=18) were not subjected to any intervention. All participants’ serum irisin, proteolysis-inducing factor, zinc-α-2 glycoprotein, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, routine biochemical parameters, and body weight were measured at the beginning and end of the study. The patients were also evaluated in terms of 24-hour recall food intake, body mass index, and quality of life scale values. No significant differences were observed at baseline between the experimental and control groups in terms of quality of life scale values, cachectic factors, inflammatory cytokines, or irisin levels. However, at the end of the study, hemoglobin levels were higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Energy and nutrient intakes were similar between the groups initially, but were higher in the experimental group at the end of the study. Nutrition education did not significantly alter the quality of life scale, BMI, or biochemical parameters. However, education yielded the expected increase in nutrient intake in the experimental group.

Ethical Statement

This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Ordu, Turkiye, and was performed under the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethics committee approval was received from the Ordu University Local Ethical Committee Under Reference No: 2021/184.

Supporting Institution

This investigation was funded by the Ordu University Scientific Research Foundation with project number A-2125.

Project Number

ODU BAP A-2125


Thanks to the Ordu University BAP Unit for their support.


  • [1] Anand U., Dey A., Chandel A.K.S., Sanyal R., Mishra A., Pandey D.K., De Falco V., Upadhyay A., Kandimalla R., Chaudhary A., Dhanjal J.K., Dewanjee S., Vallamkondu J., Pérez de la Lastra J.M., Cancer chemotherapy and Beyond Current status, drug candidates, associated risks, and progress in targeted therapeutics, Genes Dis., 18(1) (2023) 1367-1401.
  • [2] Aoyagi T., Terracina K.P., Raza A., Matsubara H., Takabe K., Cancer cachexia, mechanism, and treatment, World J. Gastrointest Oncol., 7(4) 17-29.
  • [3] Law M.L., Cancer Cachexia: Pathophysiology and Association with Cancer-Related Pain, Front. Pain Res. (Lausanne Switz)., 3 (2022) 971295
  • [4] Siddiqui J.A, Pothuraju R., Jain M., Batra S.K., Nasser M.W., Advances in cancer cachexia: Intersection between affected organs, mediators, and pharmacological interventions, Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer., 1873(2) (2020) 188359.
  • [5] Muliawati Y., Haroen H., Rotty L.W., Cancer anorexia - cachexia syndrome, Acta Med Indones., 44(2) (2012) 154-62.
  • [6] Us Altay D., Onder S., Etgu F., Uner A., Noyan T., A newly identified myokine: irisin, and its relationship with chronic spontaneous urticaria and inflammation, Arch Dermatol Res., 315(2023) 437–442.
  • [7] Arhire L.I., Mihalache L., Covasa M., Irisin: A Hope in Understanding and Managing Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)., 2(10) (2019) 524.
  • [8] Pinar R., Reliability and construct validity of the SF-36 in Turkish cancer patients, Qual Life Res., 14(1) (2005). 259-64.
  • [9] Kondrup J., Rasmussen H.H., Hamberg O., Stanga Z., Nutritional risk screening (NRS 2002): a new method based on an analysis of controlled clinical trials, Clinical Nutrition., 22 (3) (2003) 321-336.
  • [10] Ezeoke C.C., Morley J.E., Pathophysiology of anorexia in the cancer cachexia syndrome, J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle., 6(4) (2015) 287-302.
  • [11] Ni J., Zhang L., Cancer Cachexia: Definition, Staging, and Emerging Treatments, Cancer Manag Res., 9 (2020) 12 5597-5605.
  • [12] Işık G., Demirezen S., Beksac M.S., Tümör Nekroz Faktör ve Servikal Kanser Bağlantısı, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi., 1 (2) (2008) 55-61.
  • [13] Lecker S.H., Solomon V., Mitch W.E., Goldberg A.L., Muscle protein breakdown and the critical role of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in normal and disease states, J Nutr., 129 (1999) 227–237.
  • [14] Todorov P.T., McDevitt T.M., Meyer D.J., Purification and characterization of a tumor lipid mobilizing factor, Cancer Res., 58 (1998) 235.
  • [15] Karayiannakis A.J., Syrigos K.N., Polychronidis A, Pitakoudis, M, Bounovas A, Simppoulos K., Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and nutritional status in pancreatic cancer patients, Anti Cancer Res., 21 (2001) 1355–1358.
  • [16] Maltoni M., Fabbri L., Nanni O., Scarpi E., Pezzi L., Flamini E., Rittobon A., Derni S., Pallotti G., Amadori D., Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor and other cytokines do not correlate with weight loss and anorexia in cancer patients, Support Care Cancer., 5 (1997) 130–135.
  • [17] Vendrell I., Macedo D., Alho I., Dionísio M.R., Costa L., Treatment of Cancer Pain by Targeting Cytokines, Mediat. Inflamm., (2015) 984570.
  • [18] Aydın S., Kuloglu T., Ozercan M.R., Albayrak S., Aydın S., Bakal U., Irisin İmmuno histochemistry In Gastrointestinal System Cancers, Biotech Histochem., 91 (2015) 242-250.
  • [19] Us Altay D., Keha E.E., Ozer Yaman S., Ince I., Alver A., Erdogan B., Canpolat S., Cobanoglu U., Mentese A., Investigation of the expression of irisin and some cachectic factors in mice with experimentally induced gastric cancer, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine., 109 (12) (2016) 785-790.
  • [20] Moon H.S., Mantzoros C.S., Regulation of cell proliferation and malignant potential by irisin in endometrial, colon, thyroid, and esophageal cancer cell lines, Metabolism., 63(2) (2014) 188-93.
  • [21] Maalouf G.E., Khoury D., Exercise-induced irisin, the fat browning myokine, as a potential anticancer agent, Journal of Obesity., 1 (2019) 6561726.
  • [22] Ware J.E., Sherbourne C.D., The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) 1: conceptual framework and item selection, Medical Care., 30 (1992) 473-483.
  • [23] Taft C., Karlsson J., Sullivan M., Do SF-36 summary component scores accurately summarize scores?, Quality of Life Research. , 10 (2001) 395-404.
  • [24] Koçyiğit H., Aydemir Ö., Fisek G., Ölmez N., Memiş A., Kısa form-36 (KF-36)’nın Türkçe versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği, İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi. , 12 (1999) 102-106.
  • [25] Bozdemir H., Karaciğer Transplantasyonu Uygulanan Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006.
  • [26] Çınar D., Meme kanserli kadınlarda e-mobil eğitimin yaşam kalitesine etkisi, Doktora tezi, İzmir Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019.
  • [27] Lee H.O., Han S.R., Choi S.I., Lee J.J., Kim S.H., Ahn H.S., Lim H., Effects of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and quality of life among postgastrectomy patients, Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research., 90(2) (2016) 79-88.
  • [28] Jung Y., Lee J., Effect of Nutrition Education on the Eating Habits and Quality of Life of Gastric Cancer Outpatients Undergoing Gastrectomy, Korean Journal of Community Nutrition, 23(2) (2018) 162-173.
  • [29] Ebrahimi H., Sadeghi M., Amanpour F., Dadgari A., Influence of nutritional education on hemodialysis patients′ knowledge and quality of life, Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation., 27(2) (2016) 250-255.
  • [30] Brug J., Schols A., Mesters I., Dietary change, nutrition education, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Patient Education and Counseling., 52(3), 249-257.
  • [31] Anderson C.A., Nguyen H.A., Nutrition education in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease and end‐stage renal disease, In Seminars in Dialysis., 31(2) (2018) 115-121
  • [32] Alavinejad P., Hajiani E., Danyaee B., Morvaridi M., The effect of nutritional education and continuous monitoring on clinical symptoms, knowledge, and quality of life in patients with cirrhosis, Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to benc., 12 (1) (2019) 17–24.
  • [33] Kim J., Bea W., Lee K., Han J., Kim S., Kim M., Sohn CEffect of the telephone-delivered nutrition education on dietary intake and biochemical parameters in subjects with metabolic syndrome, Clinical nutrition research., 2(2) (2013) 115-124.
  • [34] Gajewska D., Kucharska A., Kozak M., Wunderlich S., Niegowska J., Effectiveness of individual nutrition education compared to group education, in improving anthropometric and biochemical indices among hypertensive adults with excessive body weight: a randomized controlled trial, Nutrients., 11(12), (2019), 2921.
  • [35] Pivi G.A., da Silva R.V., Juliano Y., Novo N.F., Okamoto I.H., Brant C.Q., Bertolucci P.H., A prospective study of nutrition education and oral nutritional supplementation in patients with Alzheimer's disease, Nutrition Journal., 10(1) (2011) 1-6.
  • [36] Luisi M.L.E., Biffi B., Gheri C.F., Sarli E., Rafanelli E., Graziano E., Macchi C., Efficacy of a nutritional education program to improve diet in patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation program: outcomes of a one-year follow-up, Internal and Emergency Medicine., 10 (2015) 671-676.
  • [37] Kim H.J., Hong J.I., Mok H.J., Lee K.M., Effect of workplace-visiting nutrition education on anthropometric and clinical measures in male workers, Clinical Nutrition Research., 1(1) (2012) 49-57.
  • [38] Kim S.Y., Kim S.B., Effects of Nutrition Education at a Community Health Center on Overweight and Obese Middle-aged Women in Jeonbuk Area-Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units, Korean Journal of Community Nutrition., 22(4) (2017) 307-322.
  • [39] Chao P.C., Chuang H.J., Tsao L.Y., Chen P.Y., Hsu C.F., Lin H.C.., Lin C.F., The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and a nutrition education program for high-risk cancer patients: strategies to improve dietary intake in cancer patients, Biomedicine., 5 (2015) 1-6
  • [40] Xie F.L., Wang Y.Q., Peng L.F., Lin F.Y.., He Y.L., Jiang Z.Q., The beneficial effect of educational and nutritional intervention on the nutritional status and compliance of gastric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized trial, Nutrition and Cancer., 69(5) (2017) 762-771.
Year 2024, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 636 - 647, 30.12.2024


Project Number

ODU BAP A-2125


  • [1] Anand U., Dey A., Chandel A.K.S., Sanyal R., Mishra A., Pandey D.K., De Falco V., Upadhyay A., Kandimalla R., Chaudhary A., Dhanjal J.K., Dewanjee S., Vallamkondu J., Pérez de la Lastra J.M., Cancer chemotherapy and Beyond Current status, drug candidates, associated risks, and progress in targeted therapeutics, Genes Dis., 18(1) (2023) 1367-1401.
  • [2] Aoyagi T., Terracina K.P., Raza A., Matsubara H., Takabe K., Cancer cachexia, mechanism, and treatment, World J. Gastrointest Oncol., 7(4) 17-29.
  • [3] Law M.L., Cancer Cachexia: Pathophysiology and Association with Cancer-Related Pain, Front. Pain Res. (Lausanne Switz)., 3 (2022) 971295
  • [4] Siddiqui J.A, Pothuraju R., Jain M., Batra S.K., Nasser M.W., Advances in cancer cachexia: Intersection between affected organs, mediators, and pharmacological interventions, Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer., 1873(2) (2020) 188359.
  • [5] Muliawati Y., Haroen H., Rotty L.W., Cancer anorexia - cachexia syndrome, Acta Med Indones., 44(2) (2012) 154-62.
  • [6] Us Altay D., Onder S., Etgu F., Uner A., Noyan T., A newly identified myokine: irisin, and its relationship with chronic spontaneous urticaria and inflammation, Arch Dermatol Res., 315(2023) 437–442.
  • [7] Arhire L.I., Mihalache L., Covasa M., Irisin: A Hope in Understanding and Managing Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)., 2(10) (2019) 524.
  • [8] Pinar R., Reliability and construct validity of the SF-36 in Turkish cancer patients, Qual Life Res., 14(1) (2005). 259-64.
  • [9] Kondrup J., Rasmussen H.H., Hamberg O., Stanga Z., Nutritional risk screening (NRS 2002): a new method based on an analysis of controlled clinical trials, Clinical Nutrition., 22 (3) (2003) 321-336.
  • [10] Ezeoke C.C., Morley J.E., Pathophysiology of anorexia in the cancer cachexia syndrome, J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle., 6(4) (2015) 287-302.
  • [11] Ni J., Zhang L., Cancer Cachexia: Definition, Staging, and Emerging Treatments, Cancer Manag Res., 9 (2020) 12 5597-5605.
  • [12] Işık G., Demirezen S., Beksac M.S., Tümör Nekroz Faktör ve Servikal Kanser Bağlantısı, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi., 1 (2) (2008) 55-61.
  • [13] Lecker S.H., Solomon V., Mitch W.E., Goldberg A.L., Muscle protein breakdown and the critical role of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in normal and disease states, J Nutr., 129 (1999) 227–237.
  • [14] Todorov P.T., McDevitt T.M., Meyer D.J., Purification and characterization of a tumor lipid mobilizing factor, Cancer Res., 58 (1998) 235.
  • [15] Karayiannakis A.J., Syrigos K.N., Polychronidis A, Pitakoudis, M, Bounovas A, Simppoulos K., Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and nutritional status in pancreatic cancer patients, Anti Cancer Res., 21 (2001) 1355–1358.
  • [16] Maltoni M., Fabbri L., Nanni O., Scarpi E., Pezzi L., Flamini E., Rittobon A., Derni S., Pallotti G., Amadori D., Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor and other cytokines do not correlate with weight loss and anorexia in cancer patients, Support Care Cancer., 5 (1997) 130–135.
  • [17] Vendrell I., Macedo D., Alho I., Dionísio M.R., Costa L., Treatment of Cancer Pain by Targeting Cytokines, Mediat. Inflamm., (2015) 984570.
  • [18] Aydın S., Kuloglu T., Ozercan M.R., Albayrak S., Aydın S., Bakal U., Irisin İmmuno histochemistry In Gastrointestinal System Cancers, Biotech Histochem., 91 (2015) 242-250.
  • [19] Us Altay D., Keha E.E., Ozer Yaman S., Ince I., Alver A., Erdogan B., Canpolat S., Cobanoglu U., Mentese A., Investigation of the expression of irisin and some cachectic factors in mice with experimentally induced gastric cancer, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine., 109 (12) (2016) 785-790.
  • [20] Moon H.S., Mantzoros C.S., Regulation of cell proliferation and malignant potential by irisin in endometrial, colon, thyroid, and esophageal cancer cell lines, Metabolism., 63(2) (2014) 188-93.
  • [21] Maalouf G.E., Khoury D., Exercise-induced irisin, the fat browning myokine, as a potential anticancer agent, Journal of Obesity., 1 (2019) 6561726.
  • [22] Ware J.E., Sherbourne C.D., The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) 1: conceptual framework and item selection, Medical Care., 30 (1992) 473-483.
  • [23] Taft C., Karlsson J., Sullivan M., Do SF-36 summary component scores accurately summarize scores?, Quality of Life Research. , 10 (2001) 395-404.
  • [24] Koçyiğit H., Aydemir Ö., Fisek G., Ölmez N., Memiş A., Kısa form-36 (KF-36)’nın Türkçe versiyonunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği, İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi. , 12 (1999) 102-106.
  • [25] Bozdemir H., Karaciğer Transplantasyonu Uygulanan Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek lisans tezi, İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006.
  • [26] Çınar D., Meme kanserli kadınlarda e-mobil eğitimin yaşam kalitesine etkisi, Doktora tezi, İzmir Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019.
  • [27] Lee H.O., Han S.R., Choi S.I., Lee J.J., Kim S.H., Ahn H.S., Lim H., Effects of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and quality of life among postgastrectomy patients, Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research., 90(2) (2016) 79-88.
  • [28] Jung Y., Lee J., Effect of Nutrition Education on the Eating Habits and Quality of Life of Gastric Cancer Outpatients Undergoing Gastrectomy, Korean Journal of Community Nutrition, 23(2) (2018) 162-173.
  • [29] Ebrahimi H., Sadeghi M., Amanpour F., Dadgari A., Influence of nutritional education on hemodialysis patients′ knowledge and quality of life, Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation., 27(2) (2016) 250-255.
  • [30] Brug J., Schols A., Mesters I., Dietary change, nutrition education, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Patient Education and Counseling., 52(3), 249-257.
  • [31] Anderson C.A., Nguyen H.A., Nutrition education in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease and end‐stage renal disease, In Seminars in Dialysis., 31(2) (2018) 115-121
  • [32] Alavinejad P., Hajiani E., Danyaee B., Morvaridi M., The effect of nutritional education and continuous monitoring on clinical symptoms, knowledge, and quality of life in patients with cirrhosis, Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to benc., 12 (1) (2019) 17–24.
  • [33] Kim J., Bea W., Lee K., Han J., Kim S., Kim M., Sohn CEffect of the telephone-delivered nutrition education on dietary intake and biochemical parameters in subjects with metabolic syndrome, Clinical nutrition research., 2(2) (2013) 115-124.
  • [34] Gajewska D., Kucharska A., Kozak M., Wunderlich S., Niegowska J., Effectiveness of individual nutrition education compared to group education, in improving anthropometric and biochemical indices among hypertensive adults with excessive body weight: a randomized controlled trial, Nutrients., 11(12), (2019), 2921.
  • [35] Pivi G.A., da Silva R.V., Juliano Y., Novo N.F., Okamoto I.H., Brant C.Q., Bertolucci P.H., A prospective study of nutrition education and oral nutritional supplementation in patients with Alzheimer's disease, Nutrition Journal., 10(1) (2011) 1-6.
  • [36] Luisi M.L.E., Biffi B., Gheri C.F., Sarli E., Rafanelli E., Graziano E., Macchi C., Efficacy of a nutritional education program to improve diet in patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation program: outcomes of a one-year follow-up, Internal and Emergency Medicine., 10 (2015) 671-676.
  • [37] Kim H.J., Hong J.I., Mok H.J., Lee K.M., Effect of workplace-visiting nutrition education on anthropometric and clinical measures in male workers, Clinical Nutrition Research., 1(1) (2012) 49-57.
  • [38] Kim S.Y., Kim S.B., Effects of Nutrition Education at a Community Health Center on Overweight and Obese Middle-aged Women in Jeonbuk Area-Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units, Korean Journal of Community Nutrition., 22(4) (2017) 307-322.
  • [39] Chao P.C., Chuang H.J., Tsao L.Y., Chen P.Y., Hsu C.F., Lin H.C.., Lin C.F., The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and a nutrition education program for high-risk cancer patients: strategies to improve dietary intake in cancer patients, Biomedicine., 5 (2015) 1-6
  • [40] Xie F.L., Wang Y.Q., Peng L.F., Lin F.Y.., He Y.L., Jiang Z.Q., The beneficial effect of educational and nutritional intervention on the nutritional status and compliance of gastric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized trial, Nutrition and Cancer., 69(5) (2017) 762-771.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cancer Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics (Other)
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Diler Us Altay 0000-0002-0465-8403

Duygu Mataracı Değirmenci 0000-0003-2136-1545

Salih Can Çelik 0000-0002-6537-2206

Abdullah Üner 0000-0001-7060-2216

Tevfik Noyan 0000-0002-7733-0177

Çağrı Akalın 0000-0003-3370-9879

Project Number ODU BAP A-2125
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date May 3, 2024
Acceptance Date November 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 45 Issue: 4


APA Us Altay, D., Mataracı Değirmenci, D., Çelik, S. C., Üner, A., et al. (2024). Evaluation of Irisin Levels in Cancer Anorexia Cachexia Syndrome and the Relationship between Nutrition Education and Quality of Life. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 45(4), 636-647. https://doi.org/10.17776/csj.1477942