Research Article
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A Configuration of Some Soft Decision-Making Algorithms via fpfs-matrices

Year 2018, Volume: 39 Issue: 4, 871 - 881, 24.12.2018


Since many problems have a large amount of data or uncertainty, the
computer mathematics has become compulsory. To deal with such kinds of these
problems, the concept of fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft matrices (fpfs-matrices) has been defined by
Enginoğlu. In this paper, we first give some of its basic definitions. We then
configure some decision-making algorithms constructed by soft sets, fuzzy soft
sets, fuzzy parameterized soft sets, fpfs-sets,
and their matrix representations. We finally discuss later works.


  • [1] Zadeh L. A., Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control, 8 (1965) 338-353.
  • [2] Molodtsov D., Soft Set Theory-First Results, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37 (1999) 19-31.
  • [3] Maji P. K., Biswas R. and Roy A.R., Fuzzy Soft Sets, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9-3 (2001) 589-602.
  • [4] Maji P.K., Roy A.R. and Biswas R., An Application of Soft Sets in A Decision Making Problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44 (2002) 1077-1083.
  • [5] Maji P.K., Biswas R. and Roy A.R., Soft Set Theory, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 45 (2003) 555-562.
  • [6] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Soft Set Theory and Uni-Int Decision Making, European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2010) 848-855.
  • [7] Çağman N., Enginoğlu S. and Çıtak F., Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 8-3 (2011) 137-147.
  • [8] Çağman N., Çıtak F. and Enginoğlu S., FP-Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics Information, 2-2 (2011) 219-226.
  • [9] Çağman N., Çıtak F. and Enginoğlu S., Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-1 (2010) 21-35.
  • [10] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Soft Matrix Theory and Its Decision Making, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010) 3308-3314.
  • [11] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Fuzzy Soft Matrix Theory and Its Application in Decision Making, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 9-1 (2012) 109-119.
  • [12] Enginoğlu S., Soft Matrices, PhD Diss., Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey, 2012.
  • [13] Razak S. and Mohamad D., A Decision Making Method using Fuzzy Soft Sets, Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science, 9-2 (2013) 99-104.
  • [14] Razak S. and Mohamad D., A Soft Set Based Group Decision Making Method with Criteria Weight, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 5-10 (2011) 1641-1646.
  • [15] Das P. K. and Borgohain R., An Application of Fuzzy Soft Set in Multicriteria Decision Making Problem, International Journal of Computer Applications, 38-12 (2012) 33-37.
  • [16] Çağman N. and Deli İ., Means of FP-Soft Sets and Their Applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41-5 (2012) 615-625.
  • [17] Eraslan S., A Decision Making Method via TOPSIS on Soft Sets, Journal of New Results in Science, 8 (2015) 57-71.
  • [18] Eraslan S. and Karaaslan F., A Group Decision Making Method Based on TOPSIS under Fuzzy Soft Environment, Journal of New Theory, 3 (2015) 30-40.
  • [19] Khan N., Khan F. H. and Thakur G. S., Weighted Fuzzy Soft Matrix Theory and Its Decision Making, International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 2-10 (2013) 214-218.
  • [20] Vijayabalaji S. and Ramesh A., A New Decision Making Theory in Soft Matrices, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 86-6, (2013) 927-939.
  • [21] Zhu K. and Zhan J., Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Sets and Decision Making, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 7 (2016) 1207-1212.
  • [22] Çaǧman N. and Deli İ., Products of FP-soft Sets and Their Applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41-3 (2012) 365-374.
  • [23] Çaǧman N. and Deli İ., Relations on FP-soft Sets Applied to Decision Making Problems, Journal of New Theory 3 (2015) 98–107.
  • [24] Chen D., Tsang E.C.C., Yeung D. S. and Wang X., The Parameterization Reduction of Soft Sets and Its Applications, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 49 (2005) 757-763.
  • [25] Kong Z., Gao L., Wang L. and Li S., The Normal Parameter Reduction of Soft Sets and Its Algorithm, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56 (2008) 3029-3037.

Bazı Esnek Karar Verme Algoritmalarının fpfs-matrisler Yoluyla Bir Yapılandırması

Year 2018, Volume: 39 Issue: 4, 871 - 881, 24.12.2018


Çoğu problem yüksek miktarda veri veya belirsizlik içerdiğinden
bilgisayarlı matematik zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu tür problemlerle başa
çıkabilmek için, bulanık parametreli bulanık esnek matris (fpfs-matris) kavramı Enginoğlu tarafından ortaya atıldı. Bu
çalışmada ilk olarak, bu kavramın bazı temel tanımlarını veriyoruz. Daha sonra,
esnek kümeler, bulanık esnek kümeler, bulanık parametreli esnek kümeler, fpfs-kümeler ve onların matris
temsilleri yoluyla inşa edilen bazı esnek karar verme algoritmalarını fpfs-matrisler yoluyla yapılandırıyoruz.
Son olarak, sonraki çalışmalar hakkında bir tartışmaya yer veriyoruz.


  • [1] Zadeh L. A., Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control, 8 (1965) 338-353.
  • [2] Molodtsov D., Soft Set Theory-First Results, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37 (1999) 19-31.
  • [3] Maji P. K., Biswas R. and Roy A.R., Fuzzy Soft Sets, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9-3 (2001) 589-602.
  • [4] Maji P.K., Roy A.R. and Biswas R., An Application of Soft Sets in A Decision Making Problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44 (2002) 1077-1083.
  • [5] Maji P.K., Biswas R. and Roy A.R., Soft Set Theory, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 45 (2003) 555-562.
  • [6] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Soft Set Theory and Uni-Int Decision Making, European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2010) 848-855.
  • [7] Çağman N., Enginoğlu S. and Çıtak F., Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 8-3 (2011) 137-147.
  • [8] Çağman N., Çıtak F. and Enginoğlu S., FP-Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics Information, 2-2 (2011) 219-226.
  • [9] Çağman N., Çıtak F. and Enginoğlu S., Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Its Applications, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-1 (2010) 21-35.
  • [10] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Soft Matrix Theory and Its Decision Making, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010) 3308-3314.
  • [11] Çağman N. and Enginoğlu S., Fuzzy Soft Matrix Theory and Its Application in Decision Making, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 9-1 (2012) 109-119.
  • [12] Enginoğlu S., Soft Matrices, PhD Diss., Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey, 2012.
  • [13] Razak S. and Mohamad D., A Decision Making Method using Fuzzy Soft Sets, Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science, 9-2 (2013) 99-104.
  • [14] Razak S. and Mohamad D., A Soft Set Based Group Decision Making Method with Criteria Weight, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 5-10 (2011) 1641-1646.
  • [15] Das P. K. and Borgohain R., An Application of Fuzzy Soft Set in Multicriteria Decision Making Problem, International Journal of Computer Applications, 38-12 (2012) 33-37.
  • [16] Çağman N. and Deli İ., Means of FP-Soft Sets and Their Applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41-5 (2012) 615-625.
  • [17] Eraslan S., A Decision Making Method via TOPSIS on Soft Sets, Journal of New Results in Science, 8 (2015) 57-71.
  • [18] Eraslan S. and Karaaslan F., A Group Decision Making Method Based on TOPSIS under Fuzzy Soft Environment, Journal of New Theory, 3 (2015) 30-40.
  • [19] Khan N., Khan F. H. and Thakur G. S., Weighted Fuzzy Soft Matrix Theory and Its Decision Making, International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 2-10 (2013) 214-218.
  • [20] Vijayabalaji S. and Ramesh A., A New Decision Making Theory in Soft Matrices, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 86-6, (2013) 927-939.
  • [21] Zhu K. and Zhan J., Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Sets and Decision Making, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 7 (2016) 1207-1212.
  • [22] Çaǧman N. and Deli İ., Products of FP-soft Sets and Their Applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41-3 (2012) 365-374.
  • [23] Çaǧman N. and Deli İ., Relations on FP-soft Sets Applied to Decision Making Problems, Journal of New Theory 3 (2015) 98–107.
  • [24] Chen D., Tsang E.C.C., Yeung D. S. and Wang X., The Parameterization Reduction of Soft Sets and Its Applications, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 49 (2005) 757-763.
  • [25] Kong Z., Gao L., Wang L. and Li S., The Normal Parameter Reduction of Soft Sets and Its Algorithm, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56 (2008) 3029-3037.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Serdar Enginoğlu 0000-0002-7188-9893

Samet Memiş 0000-0002-0958-5872

Publication Date December 24, 2018
Submission Date March 27, 2018
Acceptance Date December 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 39 Issue: 4


APA Enginoğlu, S., & Memiş, S. (2018). A Configuration of Some Soft Decision-Making Algorithms via fpfs-matrices. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 39(4), 871-881.

Cited By

Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering