Article Review Process

1. Submission of Manuscript
The corresponding author sends his manuscript to the journal via the Turkish DergiPark System. The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published or under evaluation. The copyright form and ethics committee permission document should also be sent with the submitted manuscript.

2. Preliminary Review
During the preliminary review process, it is checked whether the submitted manuscript complies with the journal writing rules and whether the manuscript is prepared according to the author's directive. The content and quality of the manuscript is not examined at this stage. All manuscript submitted for publication are reviewed by the “iThenticate” plagiarism program. As a result of the examination, the plagiarism/similarity rate can be up to 25%. Manuscript with a plagiarism/similarity rate above 25% are directly rejected by the editorial board.

3. Editor-in-Chief Review
The editor-in-chief evaluates the manuscript considering its scope, originality and value. The editor-in-chief may reject the paper at this stage.

4. Assigning a Section Editor
The manuscript is sent to the appropriate section editor for peer review. Peer assessment is carried out on a double-blind basis.

5. Invitation to Reviewers
The section editor sends invitations to people he believes will be suitable reviewers. As the manuscript evaluations are received, invitations to other reviewers can be sent if necessary until the required number of reviewers are provided (2 referees).

6. Response to Invitations
Potential reviewers evaluate the invitation based on their own expertise, conflicts of interest, and availability. They then accept or decline the review invitation.

7. Review Process and Conclusion
The reviewer is given time (15 days) to read the manuscript several times and evaluate it correctly. Reviewers may request additional time when necessary. If deemed appropriate by the authorized editor, the request is accepted. As a result of the review, the reviewer submits the manuscript to the journal with suggestions for acceptance, rejection or revision. Review form sent to the reviewers.

8. Evaluation and Decision
The section editor considers all returned reviews before making a decision. If reviews differ widely, the editor may invite an additional reviewer to get an additional opinion before making a decision.
The editor sends a decision letter to the author containing the relevant reviewer comments.

9. Revision Process of the Manuscript
The authors are given 15 days to make the corrections specified by the reviewer and the editor. Authors may request additional time when necessary. If deemed appropriate by the authorized editor, the request is accepted.

10. Post Revision
Revised manuscripts are reviewed by the section editor. If there is a major revision in the previous review or if the reviewer declares that he wants to re-examine the manuscript after the revision, the manuscript is sent back to the relevant reviewers. As a result of the review, a decision is made for the manuscript again.

11. Final Decision and Layout
The accepted manuscript as a result of the final decision are directed to the language editor for grammar review. The manuscript, which is reviewed, corrected and approved by the language editor, is sent to the layout editors for publication. Layout editors prepare the article for typesetting by obtaining the approval and opinions of the authors. The typesetting order for each issue is determined by the acceptance date of the articles.

Last Update Time: 7/8/23, 8:36:44 AM

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