Writing Rules

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences evaluates original research articles and review articles written in English.

Research Articles

Articles that describe an original, original research with its findings and results. Research articles are expected to be innovative and contribute to science. It consists of research articles, title, abstract (English / Turkish),at least 3 keywords (English / Turkish), introduction, material-method, results and discussion, conclusion and references. Manuscripts should be prepared by using a word processor compatible with Windows (MS Word etc), and including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 20 pages for research articles.


Reviews are studies that provide detailed literature summary on the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Reviews consist of title, abstract (English / Turkish), at least 3 keywords (English / Turkish), introduction, development, conclusion and references sections. Manuscripts should be prepared by using a word processor compatible with Windows (MS Word etc), and including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 30 pages for review articles.

Submission of Manuscript

  • Authors are requested to submit the original manuscript with 2 suggested referees including their e-mail addresses.
  • Please include full contact information-corresponding author’s name, e-mail address and full postal address.
  • The manuscript (title, summary, text, figures, tables, formulas, references) needs to be saved into a single file. Please insert tables, figures and formulas where you want to appear in the manuscript.
  • Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Revised and accepted manuscripts by referees cannot be withdrawn.
  • If original manuscripts supported from any Institution as a research project, it should be written with the name of the funding source and project number in Acknowledgement.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be screened with iThenticate anti-plagiarism software in order to determine the similarity ratio and the full report of the program should be submitted to the journal with the manuscript.
  • For animal experiments and clinical trials, authors must indicate the approvals of the relevant regulatory authorities or local ethical committees. The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given. Related document of ethical approval should be scanned and submitted with the manuscript. For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.
  • Copyright Transfer Form and Author Checklist should be filled in and sent with the article.

Conflict of Interest: If there is a conflict of interest, it should be stated. in the Title Page. If there is no conflict of interest, "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest." statement should be used in the main text after Acknowledgement section.

Author Contribution Statement: The contributions of the authors in the study should be briefly explained in the title page (developing hypothesis, experimenting, preparing the study text, reviewing the text, statistics, analysis and interpretation of the data, literature research, etc.).

Main headings (abstract, material-method, result, etc.) should be written without numbers, left justified, in 12 pt, using bold and capital letters. Subtitles should be written in bold, with 12 points. One blank line should be left between the titles and the text. Original articles should be in accordance with the Article Template, not exceeding 20 pages and the reviews should be in accordance with Review Template, not exceeding 30 pages.

Title: The title of manuscript should be written aligned to left with 14 pt, bold, and each word in title should begin with uppercase. Author names and surnames should be written centered 12 pt, names should begin with uppercase, surnames should be written in all uppercase.

Introduction: Introduction should contain a clear statement of the aim and novelty of the study.

Material and Method: Material and methods should be presented in detail.

For animal experiments and clinical trials, authors must indicate the approvals of the relevant regulatory authorities or local ethical committees. The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given. For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.

Results an Discussion: The results must be clearly and concisely described with the help of appropriate illustrative material. Discussion should deal with the interpretation of the results and comparison of the results with the previous studies in the literature.

Conclusion: Significant findings can be summarized briefly in a paragraph if found necessary by the author.

Acknowledgement: If necessary, this section should be given at the end of the text, just before references.

References: References must take place immediately at the end of the text and should be given in alphabetical order by first letter of the first author’s surname.

References should be given in the text as author’s name and year where necessary, and two or more references should be arranged in chronological order in parentheses.

According to the ethics rules, quotations should be given in quotation marks in the text and must be mentioned in the references with the source.

For review articles, at least one of the authors should cite at least one article of their owns.

Style of Manuscripts

  • The manuscripts were prepared on standard A4 size paper with 2 cm margins from the top, bottom, right and left. Line spacing is selected as single in the summary/summary parts and 1.5 in all other places.
  • Times New Roman font was used in the manuscripts.
  • The abbreviations used in the manuscript are given in their long form at the first occurrence, and then their abbreviated forms are used.
  • Only the International System of Units (SI) is used in the manuscripts, if different units are required, the SI equivalent is given in parentheses.
  • The manuscript has been saved in two separate files as Title Page and Main Text. Information about the authors is presented only in the Title Page.
  • On the Title Page, the title of the manuscript is left-justified, 14-point, with the first letter of each word capitalized and written in bold letters.
  • On the Title Page, two lines spaces are left after the title of the manuscript, and the names and surnames of the authors are written centered in 12 points, without using the title (all capitalized).
  • In the Title Page, an increasing number of asterisks have been added to the end of each author's surname for author addresses, and the addresses are written in 10 points just below the names according to these asterisks numbers.
  • On the Title Page, the ORCID numbers of the authors are written in 10 points just below the addresses.
  • On the Title Page, the corresponding author(s) are indicated by placing the “°” sign after the asterisks next to their names. The explanation of the “°” symbol is written in 10 font size at the bottom left corner of the page, specifying the corresponding author's name/surname and e-mail address.
  • “Author Contribution Rate Statement” was made using the initials of the authors' names and surnames, in 10 font size, under the ORCID numbers on the Title Page.
  • It has been checked that the Main Text file does not include any information about the authors.
  • Main Text file; consists of title, abstract (English and Turkish), at least 3 keywords (English and Turkish), introduction, material-method, findings and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if applicable), conflict of interest and references.
  • In the Main Text, the title of the article is left-justified, 14-point, with the first letter of each word capitalized and written in bold letters.
  • The abstract of the manuscript is presented in Turkish and English, respectively, after the manuscript title.
  • The title of the abstract (Öz) and (Summary) is written in bold with only the first letter capitalized and in 10 font size.
  • Turkish and English abstracts are written without a title, with a size of 10, italicized, single-spaced, justified and with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words.
  • A maximum of six keywords describing the study area are given in Turkish after the Turkish abstract, and in English after the English abstract, with a single line space left.
  • Keywords should be in italics and 10pts. Keywords must be written in lowercase letters separated with comma (,).
  • Text should be written justified and 1,5 line spaced, leaving a blank line between each paragraph without indent.
  • The main headings in the text, should be justified to left, without numbering, written in bold, 12pts and uppercase
  • Subheadings should be justified to left, without numbering, written in bold, 12pts and first letters uppercase.
  • Before and after a new heading text should be continued leaving a blank line.
  • The text under the headings is written without an indent, and when switching to a new paragraph, text should be continued without indent after leaving a blank line
  • The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given for animal experiments and clinical trials.
  • For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.
  • Tables, figures and formulas should be inserted where they wanted to appear in the manuscript.
  • Figures, tables and formulas should be prepared at the highest resolution possible in terms of printing quality.
  • All figures (Figure 1.), tables (Table 1.) and formulas (1) are given in the text using parentheses.
  • Figures should be numbered with names as “Figure 1.” just below the figure centered, bold and 12pts.
  • Tables should be numbered with names as “Table 1.” just above the table aligned to the left, bold and 12pts.
  • All types of equations and formulas were created using computer programs (ChemDraw, etc.), numbered sequentially, numbers written in parentheses (1), justified to the right.
  • If the Figures, Tables and Formulas were taken from a different source, the necessary permissions were obtained by the authors to use and information on this subject was given in the text. Their references should be given in their legends and in References section.
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any) is given in 12 pts just below the Conclusion part.
  • If the authors received any support during the project, they stated it in the ACKNOWLEDGMENT section. If this support was received with a project, the project number and the supporting institution were written.
  • If there is a Conflict of Interest section, it is stated on the Title Page. If there is no conflict of interest “Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.” expression is used.
  • References are given at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the surname of the first author.
  • If more than one reference is given on a subject in the text, these references are written in order of year within themselves.
    References should be written according to American Psychological Association (APA) -6. For 6th edition of APA, “http://calstatela.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=39571710” link can be followed. Articles containing references that are not prepared according to APA will not be evaluated.

References should be written according to the following format:

Journals: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names.,…………….., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Title of the study, Journal name, Volume, Issue, Page numbers.


Senior, B., & Swailes, S. (2007). Inside management teams: Developing a teamwork survey instrument. British Journal of Management, 18, 138- 153. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00507.x

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.-Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L.,…Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843- 856. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-006X.68.5.843

Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.

Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(3), 5-13.

Books: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Book title, City (Country): Publisher.


Carlson, B.M. (2004). Human embryology and developmental biology. 3th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 561-564.

Cheers, B., Darracott, R., Lonne B. (2007). Social care practice in rural communities. Sydney, Federation Press.

Alexie, S. (1992). The business of fancydancing: Stories and poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hang Loose Press.

Congress presentations: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Title of the study, Congress or Congress Book name, Page numbers, Date, City, Country.


Vande Voorde, J., Balzarini, B., Liekens, S. (2014), Inactivation of Nucleoside-Derived Anticancer Drugs by Catabolic Prokaryotic Enzymes. 23rd Biennial EACR Congress. Munih, Germany.

Internet sources: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names. Title of the study, Internet address, Accession date.


FDA. (1982), Digoxin oral solution, https://www. accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/ 2016/021648s009lbl.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 30 Mart 2019.

Last Update Time: 3/24/24, 10:42:35 PM