Research Article
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Year 2023, , 120 - 129, 26.03.2023


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  • [1] Başıbüyük Z., Eosen Volkaniklerinin Hidrotermal Alterasyon Mineralojisi-Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası: Zara-İmranlı-Suşehri-Şerefiye Dörtgeninden Bir Örnek (Sivas Kuzeydoğusu, İç-Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye), Doktora Tezi, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2006) 269.
  • [2] Kalkancı Ş., Suşehri Güneyinin Jeolojik ve Petrolojik Etüdü, Kösedağ Siyenitik Masifinin Jeokronolojisi (NE Sivas-Türkiye). TJK 32. Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, Bildiri Özetleri, (1974) 33-34.
  • [3] Yılmaz Y., Okay A., Bilgiç T., Yukarı Kelkit Çayı Yöresi ve Güneyinin Temel Jeoloji Özellikleri ve Sonuçları. MTA Rapor No: 7777, (1985) 124.
  • [4] Uysal Ş., Bedi Y., Kurt G., Kılınç F., Koyulhisar (Sivas) Dolayının Jeolojisi. MTA Rapor No: 9838, (1995) 120.
  • [5] Kurtman F., Sivas-Hafik-Zara ve İmranlı Bölgesinin Jeolojik ve Tektonik Yapısı, MTA Dergisi, 80, (1973) 1-32.
  • [6] MacKenzie, W.S., Guilford C., Atlas of Rock Forming Minerals in Thin Section, New York: John Wiley and Soons Inc., (1980) 192.
  • [7] Yardley B.W.D., MacKenzie W.S., Guilford C., Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and Their Textures, New York: John Wiley and Soons Inc., (1990) 262.
  • [8] Erkan Y., Kayaç Oluşturan Önemli Minerallerin Mikroskopta İncelenmesi, 5. Baskı TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası, (2011) 405.
  • [9] Le Maitre R.W., Igneous Rocks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2002) 236.
  • [10] Pearce J.A., The Role Sub-Continental Lithosphere in Magma Genesis at Destructive Plate Margins, in Hawkesworth, C.J and Norry, M.J., eds., Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, Nantwich, U.K., Shiva, (1983) 230-249.
  • [11] Wilson M., Igneous Petrogenesis, London: Chapman and Hall, (1989) 466.
  • [12] Boynton W.V., Geochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements: Meteorite Studies. In: Henderson P. (ed), Rare Earth Element Geochemistry, Elsevier, (1984) 63114.
  • [13] Sun S.S., McDonough W.F., Chemical and Isotopic Systematic of Oceanic Basalts: Implications for Mantle Composition and Processes In: Sounders A.D. and Narry M.J. (Eds), Magmatism in Ocean Basins. Geological Society of London, Special Publication , 42 (1989) 313-345.
  • [14] Akın H., Geologie, Magmatismus und Lagerstattenbildung im Ostpontischen Gebirge/Türkei aus der Eicht der Pallentektonik, Geologische Rundchau, 68 (1979) 253-283.
  • [15] Şengör A.M.C., Yılmaz Y., Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A Plate Tectonic Approach, Tectonophysics, 75 (1981) 181-241.
  • [16] Harris N.B.W., Kelley S., Okay A.I., Postcollision Magmatism and Tectonics in Northwest Anatolia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 117 (1994) 241-252.
  • [17] Yılmaz S., Boztuğ D., Space and Time Relations of Three Plutonic Phases in the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, International Geology Review, 38 (1996) 935-956.
  • [18] Okay A.I., Şahintürk Ö., Geology of the Eastern Pontides. In: Robinson, A.G. (Ed.), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, AAPG Memoir, 68 (1997) 292-311.
  • [19] Yılmaz Y., Tüysüz O., Yiğitbaş E., Genç S.C., Şengör A.M.C., Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Pontides. In: Robinson, A.G. (Ed.), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geology Memoir, 68 (1997) 183-226.
  • [20]Okay, A.I., Tansel G., Tüysüz O., Obduction, Subduction and Collision as Reflected in the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene Sedimentary Record of Western Turkey, Geological Magazine, 138 (2001) 117-142.
  • [21] Şengör A.M.C., Özeren M.S., Zor E., Gene T., East Anatolian High Plateau as a Mantle-Supported, N-S Shortened Domal Structure, Geophysics Research letters, 30 (24) (2003) 1-12.
  • [22] Canbaz O., Gökçe A., Ekici T., Yılmaz H., Geochemical Characteristics of the Eocene Karataş Volcanic (Northeast Sivas, Turkey) in the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone, MTA Dergisi, 162 (2020) 55-74.

Interpretation of Geochemical Data of Eocene Volcanism in Eastern Sivas Province (Central Anatolia, Türkiye)

Year 2023, , 120 - 129, 26.03.2023


The study area covers the eastern part of Zara district (Sivas) located in East-Central Anatolia. The units found in the region from bottom to top are characterized by the Upper Creataceous-Paleocene Refahiye Complex, the Middle-Upper Eocene Akıncılar Formation, the Karataş volcanics and Kösedağ Syenite, the Lower Miocene Onarı Formation, the Upper Miocene-Pliocene İsola volcanics, the Şerefiye volcanics, the Kadıköy Formation and the uppermost Quaternary sediments. In the frame of this study, the Karataş volcanics, which were formed as a result of the second magmatic activity of the Eocene period, are studied in detail. The Karataş volcanics are greenish black on their undisturbed clean surfaces, and some parts are brown-purple in color and have distinctive crack systems. It shows a reddish-pinkish color distribution in regions where degradation is observed intensely. The SiO2 content, which is the main criterion for determining the magma character of Karataş volcanics, is between 52.09 % and 58.45 %. MgO contents of similar importance are between 0.53 % and 2.21 %. Some of the light rare earth elements, La have 22.2-40.7 ppm, Ce 44.4-67.3 ppm, Pr 5.23-8.88 ppm, Sm 4.41-7.15 ppm, Eu 1.24-1.83 ppm; one of the heavy rare earth elements, Lu have 0.20-0.45 ppm and Yb 1.88-2.98 ppm values. The Karataş volcanics consist of basaltic-trachyandesite and trachyandesite. Evidence of liquid-crystal fractional crystallization (FC) in the phenocryst phase during the formation of the Karataş volcanics is clearly observed in the geochemical diagrams. Traces of partial melting and crustal contamination were found in geochemical studies. Following the closure of the Neo-Tethys ocean in the region, a widespread crustal thickening occurred in the region with the northward divergence of the northern branch of Neo-Tethys, and a suture zone was formed along this line. The Karataş volcanics were formed as a product of active volcanism after the collision in the region.

Project Number



  • [1] Başıbüyük Z., Eosen Volkaniklerinin Hidrotermal Alterasyon Mineralojisi-Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası: Zara-İmranlı-Suşehri-Şerefiye Dörtgeninden Bir Örnek (Sivas Kuzeydoğusu, İç-Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye), Doktora Tezi, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, (2006) 269.
  • [2] Kalkancı Ş., Suşehri Güneyinin Jeolojik ve Petrolojik Etüdü, Kösedağ Siyenitik Masifinin Jeokronolojisi (NE Sivas-Türkiye). TJK 32. Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, Bildiri Özetleri, (1974) 33-34.
  • [3] Yılmaz Y., Okay A., Bilgiç T., Yukarı Kelkit Çayı Yöresi ve Güneyinin Temel Jeoloji Özellikleri ve Sonuçları. MTA Rapor No: 7777, (1985) 124.
  • [4] Uysal Ş., Bedi Y., Kurt G., Kılınç F., Koyulhisar (Sivas) Dolayının Jeolojisi. MTA Rapor No: 9838, (1995) 120.
  • [5] Kurtman F., Sivas-Hafik-Zara ve İmranlı Bölgesinin Jeolojik ve Tektonik Yapısı, MTA Dergisi, 80, (1973) 1-32.
  • [6] MacKenzie, W.S., Guilford C., Atlas of Rock Forming Minerals in Thin Section, New York: John Wiley and Soons Inc., (1980) 192.
  • [7] Yardley B.W.D., MacKenzie W.S., Guilford C., Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and Their Textures, New York: John Wiley and Soons Inc., (1990) 262.
  • [8] Erkan Y., Kayaç Oluşturan Önemli Minerallerin Mikroskopta İncelenmesi, 5. Baskı TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası, (2011) 405.
  • [9] Le Maitre R.W., Igneous Rocks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2002) 236.
  • [10] Pearce J.A., The Role Sub-Continental Lithosphere in Magma Genesis at Destructive Plate Margins, in Hawkesworth, C.J and Norry, M.J., eds., Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, Nantwich, U.K., Shiva, (1983) 230-249.
  • [11] Wilson M., Igneous Petrogenesis, London: Chapman and Hall, (1989) 466.
  • [12] Boynton W.V., Geochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements: Meteorite Studies. In: Henderson P. (ed), Rare Earth Element Geochemistry, Elsevier, (1984) 63114.
  • [13] Sun S.S., McDonough W.F., Chemical and Isotopic Systematic of Oceanic Basalts: Implications for Mantle Composition and Processes In: Sounders A.D. and Narry M.J. (Eds), Magmatism in Ocean Basins. Geological Society of London, Special Publication , 42 (1989) 313-345.
  • [14] Akın H., Geologie, Magmatismus und Lagerstattenbildung im Ostpontischen Gebirge/Türkei aus der Eicht der Pallentektonik, Geologische Rundchau, 68 (1979) 253-283.
  • [15] Şengör A.M.C., Yılmaz Y., Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A Plate Tectonic Approach, Tectonophysics, 75 (1981) 181-241.
  • [16] Harris N.B.W., Kelley S., Okay A.I., Postcollision Magmatism and Tectonics in Northwest Anatolia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 117 (1994) 241-252.
  • [17] Yılmaz S., Boztuğ D., Space and Time Relations of Three Plutonic Phases in the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, International Geology Review, 38 (1996) 935-956.
  • [18] Okay A.I., Şahintürk Ö., Geology of the Eastern Pontides. In: Robinson, A.G. (Ed.), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, AAPG Memoir, 68 (1997) 292-311.
  • [19] Yılmaz Y., Tüysüz O., Yiğitbaş E., Genç S.C., Şengör A.M.C., Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Pontides. In: Robinson, A.G. (Ed.), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geology Memoir, 68 (1997) 183-226.
  • [20]Okay, A.I., Tansel G., Tüysüz O., Obduction, Subduction and Collision as Reflected in the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene Sedimentary Record of Western Turkey, Geological Magazine, 138 (2001) 117-142.
  • [21] Şengör A.M.C., Özeren M.S., Zor E., Gene T., East Anatolian High Plateau as a Mantle-Supported, N-S Shortened Domal Structure, Geophysics Research letters, 30 (24) (2003) 1-12.
  • [22] Canbaz O., Gökçe A., Ekici T., Yılmaz H., Geochemical Characteristics of the Eocene Karataş Volcanic (Northeast Sivas, Turkey) in the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone, MTA Dergisi, 162 (2020) 55-74.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Taner Ekici 0000-0002-7420-3877

Project Number Yok
Publication Date March 26, 2023
Submission Date January 4, 2023
Acceptance Date March 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ekici, T. (2023). Interpretation of Geochemical Data of Eocene Volcanism in Eastern Sivas Province (Central Anatolia, Türkiye). Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 44(1), 120-129.