Plagiarism Policy

In order to detect plagiarism in academic studies, iThenticate - Plagiarism Prevention Program has started to be used in Science Harmony. The program has extensive academic content directly related to the evaluation of academic publications.

Each document uploaded to iThenticate is compared to documents in a large database. This database includes more than 90,000 important newspapers, magazines, periodicals and books, as well as more than 17 billion web pages and archives. iThenticate checks databases with over 30 million content from more than 70,000 scientific journals and over 86 million articles from more than 150 publishers.

Publishers include CrossRef, Gale, Emerald, ABC-CLIO, SAGE Reference, Oxford University Press, IEEE, Elsevier, Nature Publishing, Ovid, Taylor & Francis, PubMed, Pearson, McGrawHill, Wiley and EBSCO hosts.

Authors who submit an article to Bilim Harmonisi are deemed to have declared that they have not committed an ethical violation. The authors of the plagiarism through the iThenticate program are not included in our journals. The report is sent to the author.

Last Update Time: 7/24/19, 11:31:34 PM