Writing Rules


1. Articles will be sent to the relevant e-mail address as MS word files by the responsible author.
2. When it comes to the research article which is written in English, it should consist of title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, conclusions, acknowledgement (if there is) and references headings.
3. When it comes to the complication article which is written in English, it should consist of title, abstact, keywords, introduction, conlusions and references headings. It can be added second degree and third degree subheadlines to the introduction and conclusions headings.
4. The templates designed according to the spelling rules of our journal can be accessed below.

• Research Article 
• Complication Article 

5. Copyright Transfer Form for all manuscripts must be filled in by all authors of the work and must be uploaded with it. The publications of authors who do not send Copyright Transfer Form will not be evaluated.
6. Subsequent additions cannot be made by the authors on the manuscripts which have been decided to be published.


The pages should be adjusted in A4 size with 2.5 cm margins from all sides. The article must have at least 5 and at most 25 pages from the first page to the last page (including references). Editorial board has the right to increase the number of pages when it is needed. The article should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, justified 1,5 line spacing.


It should be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 200 words. The title of the work should be written in capital letters at the beginning of the English abstract.


At least 3 at most 6 keywords should be given in Turkish and in English studies.


The titles should be written in bold and all capital letters (except for ‘’references’’ and ‘’acknowledgement’’). As for second degree and third degree subheadlines, they should be written in bold and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. All headings should be numbered according to the heading level.


Figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the work regardless of the title level. Figure number and figure name should be placed under the figure and they should be bolded and centered. Representations such as photograps, drawings and graphics other than the table should be given as figure. The dimensions of the figures should be placed in such a way that they do not exceed the page size.


Table number and table name should be given above the table and centered.


For bibliography, APA 7 standards will be applied.

to access to APA 7 references examples;
