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Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey's Bingöl province by ICP-MS

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 15.07.2021


Qualitative and quantitative analyzes of metals in honey are important for the quality and au-thenticity of honey. Therefore, in this study, the concentrations of some metals in honey sam-ples obtained from beekeepers in 8 different regions of Bingöl province of Turkey (Merkez, Genç, Solhan, Yayladere, Karlıova, Yedisu, Adaklı ve Kığı) were determined by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry). The concentrations of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Se, Sr, Zn metals were investigated in honey samples. Al, Ba, Cu were not determined in Merkez and Genç honey samples, but other elements were detected. While Hg could not be determined in all honeys, other elements were detected. In honey sam-ples, K element was detected at the highest concentration (442.56±1.8 mg/kg), while the low-est concentration was observed in As (6.0±1 µg/kg). It was observed that the As levels deter-mined as a result of this study did not exceed the maximum limits accepted by the European Union, and the other metal concentrations were at acceptable levels. It was determined that honey samples produced in Bingöl region are rich in minerals, not completely devoid of heavy metals, but heavy metal concentrations are below the limits determined in the literature.


  • [1] CODEX ALİMENTARİUS COMMİSSİON (2001) Codex Alimentarius Commission Standards. Codex Stan 12-1981, 1–8.
  • [2] KHAN, S U; ANJUM, S I; RAHMAN, K; ANSARİ, M J; KHAN, W U; KAMAL, S; et al. (2018) Honey: Single food stuff comprises many drugs. Saudi Journal of Biological Sci-ences, 25 (2): 320–325.
  • [3] KADRİ, S M; ZALUSKİ, R; ORSİ, R DE O (2017) Nutritional and mineral contents of honey extracted by centrifugation and pressed processes. Food Chemistry, 218 237–241.
  • [4] BARTHA, S; TAUT, I; GOJİ, G; ANDRAVLAD, I; DİNULİCĂ, F (2020) Heavy metal content in polyfloralhoney and potential health risk. A case study of Copșa Mică, Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (5).
  • [5] ASRİ, F Ö; SÖNMEZ, S (2006) Ağir MeToksi̇si̇tesi̇ni̇Bi̇tki̇Metaboli̇zmasiÜzeri̇nEtki̇leri̇. Derim, 23 (2): 36–45.
  • [6] DOMİNGO, J L (1998) Developmental toxicity of metal chelating agents. Reproductive Toxicology, 12 (5): 499–510.
  • [7] ÖZBOLAT, G; TULİ, A (2016) Ağır Metal Toksisitesinin İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 25 (23783): 502–521.
  • [8] ALLOWANCES, NRC (US) SON THETE OF THERD (1989) Recommended Dietary Allowances. National Academies Press.
  • [9] WATER, D; (1979) Health effects of the removal of substances occurring naturally in drinking-water, with special reference to demineralized and desalinated water. Report on a working group. Euro Reports and Studies, No. 16 1–18.
  • [10] WHO (2018) WHO | Sodium intake for adults and children. WHO,.
  • [11] THE AMERİCAN KİDNEY FUND (2020) High potassium (hyperkalemia) - Causes, Prevention & Treatment - American Kidney Fund (AKF).
  • [12] ALLON, M (2009) Disorders of Potassium Metabolism. in: Prim. Kidney Dis., Elsevier, pp. 108–117.
  • [13] WHO; (2014) WHO | Potassium intake for adults and children.
  • [14] BANKS, W A; KASTİN, A J (1989) Aluminum-Induced neurotoxicity: Alterations in membrane function at the blood-brain barrier. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 13 (1): 47–53.
  • [15] JENSEN, M; MOURİTSEN, O G (2004) Lipids do influence protein function - The hy-drophobic matching hypothesis revisited. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1666 (1–2): 205–226.
  • [16] HAO, M; MUKHERJEE, S; MAXFİELD, F R (2001) Cholesterol depletion induces large scale domain segregation in living cell membranes. Proceedings of the National Acade-my of Sciences of the United States of America, 98 (23): 13072–13077.
  • [17] RAĞBETLİ, C (2009) İçme sularındaki tehlike: Arsenik. İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 2 (1): 6–12.
  • [18] KRESSE, R; BAUDİS, U; JÄGER, P; RİECHERS, H H; WAGNER, H; WİNKLER, J; et al. (2007) Barium and Barium Compounds. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemis-try,.
  • [19] ORAM, B; (2014) Barium in Drinking Water and Saline/Brine Waters. Water Research Center,.
  • [20] CLAPHAM, D E (2007) Calcium Signaling. Cell, 131 (6): 1047–1058.
  • [21] TÜRKİYE BESLENME REHBERİ (2016) Beslenme Rehberi̇.
  • [22] MONTEİRO, M S; SANTOS, C; SOARES, A M V M; MANN, R M (2009) Assessment of biomarkers of cadmium stress in lettuce. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (3): 811–818.
  • [23] YİĞİT, A A; KABAKÇI, R (2018) Çevre Kirleticilerden Ağır Metallerin Hayvanlarda Hematopoetik Sistem Üzerine Etkileri. Turkiye Klinikleri Veterinary Sciences- Pharmacology and Toxicology - Special Topics, 4 (1): 9–15.
  • [24] JOİNT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMİTTEE (2005) JECFA Evaluations-CADMIUM. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [25] PLOWMAN, M C; PERACHA, H; HOPFER, S M; SUNDERMAN, F W (1991) Tera-togenicity of cobalt chloride inXenopus laevis, assayed by the FETAX procedure. Teratogene-sis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 11 (2): 83–92.
  • [26] PLOWMAN, M C; GRBAC-LVANKOVİC, S; MARTİN, J; HOPFER, S M; SUN-DERMAN, F W (1994) Malformations persist after metamorphosis ofXenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to Ni2+, Co2+, or Cd2+ in FETAX assays. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mu-tagenesis, 14 (3): 135–144.
  • [27] DAVİDSON, J S; FRANCO, S E; MİLLAR, R P (1993) Stimulation by Mn2+ and inhi-bition by Cd2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ ions of luteinizing hormone exocytosis at an intracel-lular site. Endocrinology, 132 (6): 2654–2658.
  • [28] KİAUNE, L; SİNGHASEMANON, N (2011) Pesticidal copper (I) oxide: Environmental fate and aquatic toxicity. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 213 1–26.
  • [29] HAN, D (2008) Elementlerin insan sağlığına etkisi. Archive,351 44 - 49
  • [30] ELEMENT, C T; CONDİTİONS, R C (1992) Eser Element Olarak Bakır. 2 (3): 260–264.
  • [31] I. PEKTAS (2017) Vücudumuzdaki Metalurji. 2th ed. Ajans 007, Ankara.
  • [32] VİKİPEDİ (2005) Demir. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [33] SPANİERMAN, C (2020) Iron Toxicity: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Epidemi-ology. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [34] CLİFTON, J C (2007) Mercury Exposure and Public Health. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 54 (2): 237.e1-237.e45.
  • [35] AKCAN, A B; DURSUN, O (2008) Civa Zehirlenmeleri. Journal of Current Pediatrics, 6 (2): 72–75.
  • [36] IŞIK Z.SOLAK GÖRMÜŞ, N E (2003) Magnezyumun klinik önemi. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 12 (2): 69–75.
  • [37] WHİTE, R E; HARTZELL, H C (1989) Magnesium ions in cardiac function. Regulator of ion channels and second messengers. Biochemical Pharmacology, 38 (6): 859–867.
  • [38] WHANG, R; HAMPTON, E M; WHANG, D D (1994) Magnesium homeostasis and clinical disorders of magnesium deficiency. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 28 (2): 220–226.
  • [39] REİNHART, R A (1992) Magnesium deficiency: Recognition and treatment in the emer-gency medicine setting. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10 (1): 78–83.
  • [41] FIZIBILITE, B; PROJESI, R; (2019) Keski̇n mangan sülfat – sentetik mangan dioksit tesisi kurulum fizibilite raporu kasım - 2019. 1–321.
  • [42] TAJADDİNİ, M H; KEİKHA, M; RAZZAZZADEH, A; KELİSHADİ, R (2015) A systematic review on the association of serum selenium and metabolic syndrome. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 20 (8): 782–789.
  • [43] IGLESİAS, P; SELGAS, R; ROMERO, S; DÍEZ, J J (2013) Selenium and kidney dis-ease. Journal of Nephrology, 26 (2): 266–272.
  • [44] MUELLER, A S; MUELLER, K; WOLF, N M; PALLAUF, J (2009) Selenium and dia-betes: An enigma? Free Radical Research, 43 (11): 1029–1059.
  • [45] ROCOURT, C R B; CHENG, W H (2013) Selenium supranutrition: Are the potential benefits of chemoprevention outweighed by the promotion of diabetes and insulin resistance? Nutrients, 5 (4): 1349–1365.
  • [46] VERBERCKMOES, S C; DE BROE, M E; D’HAESE, P C (2003) Dose-dependent effects of strontium on osteoblast function and mineralization. Kidney International, 64 (2): 534–543.
  • [47] MARİE, P J; AMMANN, P; BOİVİN, G; REY, C (2001) Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential of strontium in bone. Calcified Tissue International, 69 (3): 121–129.
  • [48] OLGU, B; BEYDOGAN, M; AFŞAR, Ç U; PİLANCİ, K N (2006) Çinko Eksikliği. (1): 94–95.
  • [49] ROOHANİ, N; HURRELL, R; KELİSHADİ, R; SCHULİN, R (2013) Zinc and its im-portance for human health: An integrative review. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 18 (2): 144–157.
  • [50] GUPTA, M; MAHAJAN, V K; MEHTA, K S; CHAUHAN, P S (2014) Zinc therapy in dermatology: A review. Dermatology Research and Practice, 2014.
  • [51] BENGÜ, Ş; KUTLU, M A (2020) Analysis of Some Essential and Toxic Elements by ICP-MS in Honey Obtained from Bingol. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi-Uludag Bee Journal, (1): 1–12.
  • [52] KASAPOĞLU, N; (2006) Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Anabilim Dalı Karadeniz Bölgesinde Üretilen Balların Mineral İçeriklerinin Karşılaştırıl-ması.Yüksek Lisans Tezi Ağustos Trabzon.
  • [53] KEK, S P; CHİN, N L; TAN, S W; YUSOF, Y A; CHUA, L S (2017) Classification of Honey from Its Bee Origin via Chemical Profiles and Mineral Content. Food Analytical Methods, 10 (1): 19–30.
  • [54] YÜCEL, Y; SULTANOǦLU, P (2013) Characterization of Hatay honeys according to their multi-element analysis using ICP-OES combined with chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 140 (1–2): 231–237.
  • [55] TUTUN, H; KAHRAMAN, H A; ALUC, Y; AVCİ, T; EKİCİ, H (2019) Investigation of some metals in honey samples from west mediterranean region of Turkey. Veterinary Re-search Forum, 10 (3): 181–186.
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 15.07.2021



  • [1] CODEX ALİMENTARİUS COMMİSSİON (2001) Codex Alimentarius Commission Standards. Codex Stan 12-1981, 1–8.
  • [2] KHAN, S U; ANJUM, S I; RAHMAN, K; ANSARİ, M J; KHAN, W U; KAMAL, S; et al. (2018) Honey: Single food stuff comprises many drugs. Saudi Journal of Biological Sci-ences, 25 (2): 320–325.
  • [3] KADRİ, S M; ZALUSKİ, R; ORSİ, R DE O (2017) Nutritional and mineral contents of honey extracted by centrifugation and pressed processes. Food Chemistry, 218 237–241.
  • [4] BARTHA, S; TAUT, I; GOJİ, G; ANDRAVLAD, I; DİNULİCĂ, F (2020) Heavy metal content in polyfloralhoney and potential health risk. A case study of Copșa Mică, Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (5).
  • [5] ASRİ, F Ö; SÖNMEZ, S (2006) Ağir MeToksi̇si̇tesi̇ni̇Bi̇tki̇Metaboli̇zmasiÜzeri̇nEtki̇leri̇. Derim, 23 (2): 36–45.
  • [6] DOMİNGO, J L (1998) Developmental toxicity of metal chelating agents. Reproductive Toxicology, 12 (5): 499–510.
  • [7] ÖZBOLAT, G; TULİ, A (2016) Ağır Metal Toksisitesinin İnsan Sağlığına Etkileri. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 25 (23783): 502–521.
  • [8] ALLOWANCES, NRC (US) SON THETE OF THERD (1989) Recommended Dietary Allowances. National Academies Press.
  • [9] WATER, D; (1979) Health effects of the removal of substances occurring naturally in drinking-water, with special reference to demineralized and desalinated water. Report on a working group. Euro Reports and Studies, No. 16 1–18.
  • [10] WHO (2018) WHO | Sodium intake for adults and children. WHO,.
  • [11] THE AMERİCAN KİDNEY FUND (2020) High potassium (hyperkalemia) - Causes, Prevention & Treatment - American Kidney Fund (AKF).
  • [12] ALLON, M (2009) Disorders of Potassium Metabolism. in: Prim. Kidney Dis., Elsevier, pp. 108–117.
  • [13] WHO; (2014) WHO | Potassium intake for adults and children.
  • [14] BANKS, W A; KASTİN, A J (1989) Aluminum-Induced neurotoxicity: Alterations in membrane function at the blood-brain barrier. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 13 (1): 47–53.
  • [15] JENSEN, M; MOURİTSEN, O G (2004) Lipids do influence protein function - The hy-drophobic matching hypothesis revisited. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1666 (1–2): 205–226.
  • [16] HAO, M; MUKHERJEE, S; MAXFİELD, F R (2001) Cholesterol depletion induces large scale domain segregation in living cell membranes. Proceedings of the National Acade-my of Sciences of the United States of America, 98 (23): 13072–13077.
  • [17] RAĞBETLİ, C (2009) İçme sularındaki tehlike: Arsenik. İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 2 (1): 6–12.
  • [18] KRESSE, R; BAUDİS, U; JÄGER, P; RİECHERS, H H; WAGNER, H; WİNKLER, J; et al. (2007) Barium and Barium Compounds. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemis-try,.
  • [19] ORAM, B; (2014) Barium in Drinking Water and Saline/Brine Waters. Water Research Center,.
  • [20] CLAPHAM, D E (2007) Calcium Signaling. Cell, 131 (6): 1047–1058.
  • [21] TÜRKİYE BESLENME REHBERİ (2016) Beslenme Rehberi̇.
  • [22] MONTEİRO, M S; SANTOS, C; SOARES, A M V M; MANN, R M (2009) Assessment of biomarkers of cadmium stress in lettuce. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (3): 811–818.
  • [23] YİĞİT, A A; KABAKÇI, R (2018) Çevre Kirleticilerden Ağır Metallerin Hayvanlarda Hematopoetik Sistem Üzerine Etkileri. Turkiye Klinikleri Veterinary Sciences- Pharmacology and Toxicology - Special Topics, 4 (1): 9–15.
  • [24] JOİNT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMİTTEE (2005) JECFA Evaluations-CADMIUM. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [25] PLOWMAN, M C; PERACHA, H; HOPFER, S M; SUNDERMAN, F W (1991) Tera-togenicity of cobalt chloride inXenopus laevis, assayed by the FETAX procedure. Teratogene-sis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 11 (2): 83–92.
  • [26] PLOWMAN, M C; GRBAC-LVANKOVİC, S; MARTİN, J; HOPFER, S M; SUN-DERMAN, F W (1994) Malformations persist after metamorphosis ofXenopus laevis tadpoles exposed to Ni2+, Co2+, or Cd2+ in FETAX assays. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mu-tagenesis, 14 (3): 135–144.
  • [27] DAVİDSON, J S; FRANCO, S E; MİLLAR, R P (1993) Stimulation by Mn2+ and inhi-bition by Cd2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ ions of luteinizing hormone exocytosis at an intracel-lular site. Endocrinology, 132 (6): 2654–2658.
  • [28] KİAUNE, L; SİNGHASEMANON, N (2011) Pesticidal copper (I) oxide: Environmental fate and aquatic toxicity. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 213 1–26.
  • [29] HAN, D (2008) Elementlerin insan sağlığına etkisi. Archive,351 44 - 49
  • [30] ELEMENT, C T; CONDİTİONS, R C (1992) Eser Element Olarak Bakır. 2 (3): 260–264.
  • [31] I. PEKTAS (2017) Vücudumuzdaki Metalurji. 2th ed. Ajans 007, Ankara.
  • [32] VİKİPEDİ (2005) Demir. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [33] SPANİERMAN, C (2020) Iron Toxicity: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Epidemi-ology. Available from: (11.02.2021)
  • [34] CLİFTON, J C (2007) Mercury Exposure and Public Health. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 54 (2): 237.e1-237.e45.
  • [35] AKCAN, A B; DURSUN, O (2008) Civa Zehirlenmeleri. Journal of Current Pediatrics, 6 (2): 72–75.
  • [36] IŞIK Z.SOLAK GÖRMÜŞ, N E (2003) Magnezyumun klinik önemi. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 12 (2): 69–75.
  • [37] WHİTE, R E; HARTZELL, H C (1989) Magnesium ions in cardiac function. Regulator of ion channels and second messengers. Biochemical Pharmacology, 38 (6): 859–867.
  • [38] WHANG, R; HAMPTON, E M; WHANG, D D (1994) Magnesium homeostasis and clinical disorders of magnesium deficiency. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 28 (2): 220–226.
  • [39] REİNHART, R A (1992) Magnesium deficiency: Recognition and treatment in the emer-gency medicine setting. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10 (1): 78–83.
  • [41] FIZIBILITE, B; PROJESI, R; (2019) Keski̇n mangan sülfat – sentetik mangan dioksit tesisi kurulum fizibilite raporu kasım - 2019. 1–321.
  • [42] TAJADDİNİ, M H; KEİKHA, M; RAZZAZZADEH, A; KELİSHADİ, R (2015) A systematic review on the association of serum selenium and metabolic syndrome. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 20 (8): 782–789.
  • [43] IGLESİAS, P; SELGAS, R; ROMERO, S; DÍEZ, J J (2013) Selenium and kidney dis-ease. Journal of Nephrology, 26 (2): 266–272.
  • [44] MUELLER, A S; MUELLER, K; WOLF, N M; PALLAUF, J (2009) Selenium and dia-betes: An enigma? Free Radical Research, 43 (11): 1029–1059.
  • [45] ROCOURT, C R B; CHENG, W H (2013) Selenium supranutrition: Are the potential benefits of chemoprevention outweighed by the promotion of diabetes and insulin resistance? Nutrients, 5 (4): 1349–1365.
  • [46] VERBERCKMOES, S C; DE BROE, M E; D’HAESE, P C (2003) Dose-dependent effects of strontium on osteoblast function and mineralization. Kidney International, 64 (2): 534–543.
  • [47] MARİE, P J; AMMANN, P; BOİVİN, G; REY, C (2001) Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential of strontium in bone. Calcified Tissue International, 69 (3): 121–129.
  • [48] OLGU, B; BEYDOGAN, M; AFŞAR, Ç U; PİLANCİ, K N (2006) Çinko Eksikliği. (1): 94–95.
  • [49] ROOHANİ, N; HURRELL, R; KELİSHADİ, R; SCHULİN, R (2013) Zinc and its im-portance for human health: An integrative review. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 18 (2): 144–157.
  • [50] GUPTA, M; MAHAJAN, V K; MEHTA, K S; CHAUHAN, P S (2014) Zinc therapy in dermatology: A review. Dermatology Research and Practice, 2014.
  • [51] BENGÜ, Ş; KUTLU, M A (2020) Analysis of Some Essential and Toxic Elements by ICP-MS in Honey Obtained from Bingol. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi-Uludag Bee Journal, (1): 1–12.
  • [52] KASAPOĞLU, N; (2006) Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Anabilim Dalı Karadeniz Bölgesinde Üretilen Balların Mineral İçeriklerinin Karşılaştırıl-ması.Yüksek Lisans Tezi Ağustos Trabzon.
  • [53] KEK, S P; CHİN, N L; TAN, S W; YUSOF, Y A; CHUA, L S (2017) Classification of Honey from Its Bee Origin via Chemical Profiles and Mineral Content. Food Analytical Methods, 10 (1): 19–30.
  • [54] YÜCEL, Y; SULTANOǦLU, P (2013) Characterization of Hatay honeys according to their multi-element analysis using ICP-OES combined with chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 140 (1–2): 231–237.
  • [55] TUTUN, H; KAHRAMAN, H A; ALUC, Y; AVCİ, T; EKİCİ, H (2019) Investigation of some metals in honey samples from west mediterranean region of Turkey. Veterinary Re-search Forum, 10 (3): 181–186.
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Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Ebubekir İzol 0000-0003-0788-4999

Enes Kaya 0000-0003-3973-168X

Davut Karahan 0000-0003-4571-1095

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 5 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İzol, E., Kaya, E., & Karahan, D. (2021). Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS. Mellifera, 21(1), 1-17.
AMA İzol E, Kaya E, Karahan D. Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS. mellifera. Temmuz 2021;21(1):1-17.
Chicago İzol, Ebubekir, Enes Kaya, ve Davut Karahan. “Investigation of Some Metals in Honey Samples Produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl Province by ICP-MS”. Mellifera 21, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2021): 1-17.
EndNote İzol E, Kaya E, Karahan D (01 Temmuz 2021) Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS. Mellifera 21 1 1–17.
IEEE E. İzol, E. Kaya, ve D. Karahan, “Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS”, mellifera, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 1–17, 2021.
ISNAD İzol, Ebubekir vd. “Investigation of Some Metals in Honey Samples Produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl Province by ICP-MS”. Mellifera 21/1 (Temmuz 2021), 1-17.
JAMA İzol E, Kaya E, Karahan D. Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS. mellifera. 2021;21:1–17.
MLA İzol, Ebubekir vd. “Investigation of Some Metals in Honey Samples Produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl Province by ICP-MS”. Mellifera, c. 21, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 1-17.
Vancouver İzol E, Kaya E, Karahan D. Investigation of some metals in honey samples produced in Different Regions of Turkey’s Bingöl province by ICP-MS. mellifera. 2021;21(1):1-17.