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Dilovası (Kocaeli/Türkiye) Bölgesinden Alınan Yüzey Topraklarındaki Ağır Metal İçeriklerinin Kemometrik Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 23 - 33, 16.03.2018


Kemometrik yöntemler, Dilovası bölgesindeki 10
lokasyondan alınan yüzey toprak numunelerinin ağır metal (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,
Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb ve Zn) kirliliğini değerlendirmek ve ağır metal içeriğini
sınıflandırmak için kullanıldı. Veriler, ağır metaller arasındaki ilişkiyi
anlamak ve toprak numuneleri sınıflandırmak için kemometrik değerlendirmeye
tabi tutuldu. Toprak numunelerindeki ağır metaller, indüktif eşleşmiş
plazma-kütle spektrometresi (ICP-MS) kullanılarak belirlendi. Toprak
numunelerinden elde edilen analitik veriler, toprak örneklerinde ağır metaller
arasında herhangi bir ilişki olup olmadığını değerlendirmek için korelasyon
analizi, temel bileşen analizi (PCA) ve kümeleme analizi (CA) kullanılarak
sınıflandırıldı. Toprak örnekleri hem PCA hem de CA için çok benzer bir
gruplandırma ile 4 gruba ayrıldı. PCA ve CA tekniklerinin ağır metal içerikleri
açısından toprak karakterizasyonu için yararlı yaklaşımlar olduğu kanıtlandı.


  • [1]. Yılmaz F., Yılmaz Z.Y., Engin M., Erkal A.Y., Müftüoğlu A.E., Karakelle B., Heavy metal concentrations in surface soils of Izmit gulf region Turkey. J Trace Microprobe Techn 2003; 21: 523-531.
  • [2]. Bingöl D., Ay Ü., Bozbaş K.S., Uzgören N., Chemometric evaluation of heavy metals distribution in waters from the Dilovası region in Kocaeli, Turkey. Mar Pollut Bull 2013; 68: 134-139.
  • [3]. Soodan, R.K., Pakade, Y.B., Nagpal, A., & Katnoria, J.K., Analytical techniques for estimation of heavy metals in soil ecosystem: a tabulated review. Talanta 2014; 125: 405-410.
  • [4]. de Carvalho R. M. Jr., dos Santos J.A., Silva J.A., do Prado T.G., da Fonseca A.F., Chaves E.S., Frescura V.L., Determination of metals in Brazilian soils by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Environ Monit Assess 2015; 187: 535.
  • [5]. Thavamani P., Megharaj M., Multivariate analysis of mixed contaminants (PAHs and heavy metals) at manufactured gas plant site soils. Environ Monit Assess 2012; 184(6): 3875-3885.
  • [6]. Nanos N., Martín J.A.R., Multiscale analysis of heavy metal contents in soils: Spatial variability in the Duero river basin (Spain). Geoderma 2012; 189-190: 554-562.
  • [7]. Mitchell R.G., Spliethoff H.M., Ribaudo L.N., Lopp D.M., Shayler H.A., Marquez-Bravo L.G., Lambert V.T., Ferenz G.S., Russell-Anelli J.M., Stone E.B., McBride M. B., Lead (Pb) and other metals in New York City community garden soils: Factors influencing contaminant distributions. Environ Pollut., 187 (2014) 162-169.
  • [8]. Yuan G.-L., Sun T.-H., Han P., Li J., Environmental geochemical mapping and multivariate geostatistical analysis of heavy metals in topsoils of a closed steel smelter: Capital Iron & Steel Factory, Beijing, China J Geochem Explor., 130 ( 2013) 15-21.
  • [9]. Li X., Liu L., Wang Y., Luo G., Chen X., Yang X., Hall M.H.P., Guo R., Wang H., Cui J., He X., Heavy metal contamination of urban soil in an old industrial city (Shenyang) in Northeast China. Geoderma , 192(2013) 50-58.
  • [10]. Hu Y., Liu X., Bai J., Shih K., Zeng E.Y., Cheng H., Assessing heavy metal pollution in the surface soils of a region that had undergone three decades of intense industrialization and urbanization. Environ Sci Pollut Res., 20 ( 2013) 6150-6159.
  • [11]. Qishlaqi A., Moore F., Forghani G., Characterization of metal pollution in soils under two landuse patterns in the Angouran region, NW Iran; a study based on multivariate data analysis. J Hazard Mater , 172 (2009) 374-384.
  • [12]. Micó C., Recatalá L., Peris M., Sánchez J., Assessing heavy metal sources in agricultural soils of an European Mediterranean area by multivariate analysis. Chemosphere, 65 (2006) 863-872.
  • [13]. Brereton R.G., Applied Chemometrics for Scientists. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England, 2007.
  • [14]. Lu X., Wang L., Li L.Y., Lei K., Huang L., Kang D., Multivarite staistical analysis of heavy metals in street dust of Baoji. NW China. J Hazard Mater, 173 (2010) 744-749.
  • [15]. Yongming H., Peixuan D., Junji C., Posmentier E.S., Multivariate analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban dusts of Xi'an, Central China. Sci Total Environ, 355-1,3 176-186.
  • [16]. Kucukbay F.Z., Kuyumcu E., Karaca I., Ozdemir D., Determination of minerals and trace elements in soils and the relation with its concentrations in sugar beets. Asian J Chem., 22-5 (2010) 3691-3704.
  • [17]. Ersungur Ş.M., Kızıltan A. & Polat Ö., Türkiye’de bölgelerin sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik sıralaması: Temel bileşenler analizi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Erzurum, 2007.

Chemometric Evaluation of the Heavy Metal Contents in Surface Soils from the Dilovası Region (Kocaeli/Turkey)

Year 2018, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 23 - 33, 16.03.2018


Chemometric methods were used to assess the contamination of heavy
metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and to classify the contents
of heavy metals of surface soil samples taken from 10 locations in Dilovasi
region. The data were subjected to chemometric assessment to determine the
relationship among the heavy metals and to classify the soil samples. The heavy
metals were detected using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS). Analytical data were analyzed using correlation analysis, principle
component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) to assess whether there is
an association among heavy metals in soil samples. The soil samples were
separated into 4 groups by a group very similar to both PCA and CA. PCA and CA
techniques have proven to be useful approaches for soil characterization in
terms of their heavy metal contents.


  • [1]. Yılmaz F., Yılmaz Z.Y., Engin M., Erkal A.Y., Müftüoğlu A.E., Karakelle B., Heavy metal concentrations in surface soils of Izmit gulf region Turkey. J Trace Microprobe Techn 2003; 21: 523-531.
  • [2]. Bingöl D., Ay Ü., Bozbaş K.S., Uzgören N., Chemometric evaluation of heavy metals distribution in waters from the Dilovası region in Kocaeli, Turkey. Mar Pollut Bull 2013; 68: 134-139.
  • [3]. Soodan, R.K., Pakade, Y.B., Nagpal, A., & Katnoria, J.K., Analytical techniques for estimation of heavy metals in soil ecosystem: a tabulated review. Talanta 2014; 125: 405-410.
  • [4]. de Carvalho R. M. Jr., dos Santos J.A., Silva J.A., do Prado T.G., da Fonseca A.F., Chaves E.S., Frescura V.L., Determination of metals in Brazilian soils by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Environ Monit Assess 2015; 187: 535.
  • [5]. Thavamani P., Megharaj M., Multivariate analysis of mixed contaminants (PAHs and heavy metals) at manufactured gas plant site soils. Environ Monit Assess 2012; 184(6): 3875-3885.
  • [6]. Nanos N., Martín J.A.R., Multiscale analysis of heavy metal contents in soils: Spatial variability in the Duero river basin (Spain). Geoderma 2012; 189-190: 554-562.
  • [7]. Mitchell R.G., Spliethoff H.M., Ribaudo L.N., Lopp D.M., Shayler H.A., Marquez-Bravo L.G., Lambert V.T., Ferenz G.S., Russell-Anelli J.M., Stone E.B., McBride M. B., Lead (Pb) and other metals in New York City community garden soils: Factors influencing contaminant distributions. Environ Pollut., 187 (2014) 162-169.
  • [8]. Yuan G.-L., Sun T.-H., Han P., Li J., Environmental geochemical mapping and multivariate geostatistical analysis of heavy metals in topsoils of a closed steel smelter: Capital Iron & Steel Factory, Beijing, China J Geochem Explor., 130 ( 2013) 15-21.
  • [9]. Li X., Liu L., Wang Y., Luo G., Chen X., Yang X., Hall M.H.P., Guo R., Wang H., Cui J., He X., Heavy metal contamination of urban soil in an old industrial city (Shenyang) in Northeast China. Geoderma , 192(2013) 50-58.
  • [10]. Hu Y., Liu X., Bai J., Shih K., Zeng E.Y., Cheng H., Assessing heavy metal pollution in the surface soils of a region that had undergone three decades of intense industrialization and urbanization. Environ Sci Pollut Res., 20 ( 2013) 6150-6159.
  • [11]. Qishlaqi A., Moore F., Forghani G., Characterization of metal pollution in soils under two landuse patterns in the Angouran region, NW Iran; a study based on multivariate data analysis. J Hazard Mater , 172 (2009) 374-384.
  • [12]. Micó C., Recatalá L., Peris M., Sánchez J., Assessing heavy metal sources in agricultural soils of an European Mediterranean area by multivariate analysis. Chemosphere, 65 (2006) 863-872.
  • [13]. Brereton R.G., Applied Chemometrics for Scientists. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England, 2007.
  • [14]. Lu X., Wang L., Li L.Y., Lei K., Huang L., Kang D., Multivarite staistical analysis of heavy metals in street dust of Baoji. NW China. J Hazard Mater, 173 (2010) 744-749.
  • [15]. Yongming H., Peixuan D., Junji C., Posmentier E.S., Multivariate analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban dusts of Xi'an, Central China. Sci Total Environ, 355-1,3 176-186.
  • [16]. Kucukbay F.Z., Kuyumcu E., Karaca I., Ozdemir D., Determination of minerals and trace elements in soils and the relation with its concentrations in sugar beets. Asian J Chem., 22-5 (2010) 3691-3704.
  • [17]. Ersungur Ş.M., Kızıltan A. & Polat Ö., Türkiye’de bölgelerin sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik sıralaması: Temel bileşenler analizi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Erzurum, 2007.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Deniz Bingöl

Seda Karayünlü Bozbaş

Ümit Ay

Nevin Uzgören

Publication Date March 16, 2018
Submission Date November 2, 2017
Acceptance Date January 11, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 39 Issue: 1


APA Bingöl, D., Karayünlü Bozbaş, S., Ay, Ü., Uzgören, N. (2018). Chemometric Evaluation of the Heavy Metal Contents in Surface Soils from the Dilovası Region (Kocaeli/Turkey). Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 39(1), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.17776/csj.348921