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Trichomes on Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of Endemic Ballota macrodonta (Lamiaceae)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 241 - 258, 28.03.2024


The morphological features and distributions of trichomes on both vegetative and reproductive organs of endemic Ballota macrodonta were examined in this study. The species has limited distrubution in Türkiye and is endemic Iranian Turanian element. In this taxon, different trichome types were seen and these trichomes were divided into two main groups. The first group forms eglandular trichomes, the other group forms glandular trichomes. Two types of eglandular trichomes were obtained on the vegetative and reproductive organs of the taxon: simple unbranched and branched. Stellate type of branched eglandular trichomes were seen more frequently on the lower surface, margins, veins of leaves, corolla, and outer part of calyx, while long unicellular, bicellular, tricellular and multicellular types of simple unbranched eglandular trichomes were seen more frequently on all the organs of this taxon. Glandular trichomes were categorized as capitate with different stalk lengths and one–two head cells and peltate with four–eight secretory cells. According to number of stalk cells, capitate trichomes were grouped into as unicellular, bicellular, tricellular and multicellular trichomes. The capitate ones were seen nearly on all organs of B. macrodonta. Peltate trichomes were rarely found on the stem, upper surface of leaf and corolla, while these trichomes were densely found on the surface of the calyx. It was emphasized that both simple unbranched and stellate eglandular trichomes could be used as valuable characters in the classification of this species.

Etik Beyan

There are no ethical issues regarding the publication of this study

Destekleyen Kurum

No institution supports the study

Proje Numarası

It is not a project work


  • [1] Hashemi, M., Kharazian, N., (2021) Identification of flavonoids from Marrubium and Ballota species (Lamiaceae) and determination of chemotaxonomic markers using high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometer, Journal of Sciences Islamic Republic of Iran, 32 (4):305-320.
  • [2] Davis, P.H., Doroszenko, A., (1982) Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. In: Davis, P.H., Edmondson, R., Mill, R.R., Tan, Kit. (Eds.), Ballota L. (pp.156-160). Edinburg University Press. Edinburg.
  • [3] Güner, A., (2012) Turkey Plants List (Vascular Plants). In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (Eds.), Ballota L. (pp. 548-550). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association Publication, İstanbul-Türkiye.
  • [4] Morteza-Semnani, K., Ghanbarimasir, Z., (2019) A review on traditional use phytochemical and pharmacological activities of the genus Ballota, Journal of Ethnopharmacolgy, 233:197- 217.
  • [5] Yazgan, A.N., Yılmaz, G., Sever, Y.B., (2010) Anatomical studies on Ballota acetabulosa (L.) Benth., Ankara Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 39:265–274.
  • [6] Dulger, B., Dulger, G., (2012) Antimicrobial activity of the leaves of Ballota acetabulosa on microorganisms isolated from urinary tract infections, Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 (3): 257-262.
  • [7] Dulger, G., Dulger, B., (2017) Antibacterial activity of endemic Ballota nigra subsp. anatolica against some human eye pathogens from Turkey, Innovare Journal of Life Sciences, 5 (2): 1-3.
  • [8] Agca Can, A., Yılmaz Sarıaltın, S., Yazgan Ekici, A. N., Çoban, T., Saltan Iscan, G., Sever Yılmaz, B., (2021) Anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activity of Ballota L. species grown in Turkey. Istanbul Journal Pharmacy, 51 (3): 326-332.
  • [9] Uysal, S., Aumeeruddy-Elafi, Z., Zengin, G., Aktumsek, A., Mocan, A., Custodio, L., Neng, N.R., Nogueria, J.M.F., Ciric, A., Glamoclija, J., Sokovic, M., Mahomoodally, F., (2018) Insight into the biological properties and phytochemical composition of Ballota macrodonta Boiss. Et Balansa,-an endemic medicinal plant from Turkey. Industrial. Crops and Products, 133: 422-428.
  • Salmaki, Y., Zarre, S., Jamzad, Z., Bräuchler, C., (2009) Trichome micromorphology of Iranian Stachys (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on its systematic implication, Flora, 204: 371–381.
  • Eiji, S., Salmaki, Y., (2016) Evolution of trichomes and its systematic significance in Salvia (Mentheae; Nepetoideae; Lamiaceae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 180 (2): 241-257.
  • [12] Kandemir, N., (2023) Glandular and eglandular trichomes of endemic Ballota glandulosissima (Lamiaceae). Türler ve Habitatlar, 4 (2): 110-124.
  • [13]Beyrouthy, E.M., Arnold-Apostolides, N., Dupont, F., (2009) Trichomes morphology of six Lebanese species of Stachys (Lamiaceae), Flora Mediterranea, 19: 129-139.
  • [14] El-Deen Osman, A.K., (2012) Trichome micromorphology of Egyptian Ballota L. (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on its systematic implication, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(1): 33-46.
  • [15] Ecevit-Genç, G., Özcan, T., Dirmenci, T., (2018) Leaf indumentum in some Turkish species of Teucrium (Lamiaceae), Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 48 (1): 6-11.
  • [16] Koçak, K.V., Kandemir, N., (2023) Taxonomic importance of anatomical, ecological andtrichome features of Marrubium astracanicum subsp. astracanicum Jacq. (Lamiaceae), Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 6 (3):199-209.
  • [17] Wang, X., Shen, C., Meng, P., Tan, G., Lv, L., (2021) Analysis and Review of Trichomes in Plants, BMC Plant Biology, 21(70): 1-11.
  • [18] Navarro, T., El Oualidi, J., (2000) Trichome morphology in Teucrium L. (Labiatae). A taxonomic review, Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, 57 (2): 277-297.
  • [19] Cantino, P.D., (1990) The phylogenetic significance of stomata and trichomes in the Labiatae and Verbenaceae, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 71(3):323-370.
  • [20] Xiao, K., Mao, X., Lin, Y., Xu, H., Zhu, Y., Cai, Q., Xie, H., Zhang, J
  • [21] Karabourniotis, G., Liakopoulos, G., Nikolopoulos, D., Bresta, P., (2020) Protective and defensive roles of non-glandular trichomes against multiple stresses: structure–function coordination, Journal of Forestry Research, 31:1–12.
  • [23] Çelebioğlu, S., Baytop, T., (1949) A New Reagent for Microscopical Investigation of Plant Publication of the Institute of Pharmacognosy. İstanbul.
  • [24] Santos Tozin, L.R.D., De Melo Silva, S.C., Rodrigues, T.M., (2016) Non-Glandular Trichomes in Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae Species: Morphological and Histochemical Features Indicate More than Physical Protection, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 54(4):446–457.
  • [25] Gurdal, B., (2021) Anatomy and trichome micromorphology of endemic Ballota pseudodictamnus subsp. lycia (Lamiaceae), Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 9(4):1078-1085.
  • [26] Khosroshahi, E.E., Salmaki, Y., (2019) Evolution of trichome types and its systematic significance in the genus Phlomoides (Lamioideae–Lamiaceae), Nordic Journal of Botany, 37 (5):1-14.
  • [27] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Milani, F., Falsini, S., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2021) Micromorphological and phytochemical survey of Ballota acetabulosa (L.) Benth., Plant Biology (Stuttgart), 23(4):643-652.
  • [28] Gostin, I.N., (2023) Glandular and non-glandular trichomes from Phlomis herba-venti subsp. pungens leaves: light, confocal, and scanning electron microscopy and histochemistry of the secretory products, Plants,(Basel) 12(13):2423.
  • [29] Şahin, F.P., Toker, M.C., Ezer, N., (2005) Botanical Properties of a Mild Sedative: Ballota nigra L. subsp. nigra, FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30: 94-99.
  • [30] Xiang, C., Dong, Z., Peng, H., Lui, Z., (2010) Trichome micromorphology of the East Asiatic genus Chelonopsis (Lamiaceae) and its systematic implications, Flora, 205(7):434-441
  • [31] Tezcan, F., (2001) Revision of Türkiye Ballota L. (Labiatae) Genus. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Biology.
  • [32] Kandemir, N., (2011) Trichomes on Salvia pomifera (Lamiaceae) in Turkey, Botanica Lithuanica, 17(1):3-11.
  • [33] Giuliani, C., Maleci, B.L., (2008) Insight into the structure and chemistry of glandular trichomes of Labiatae, with emphasis on subfamily Lamioideae, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 276(3):199-208.
  • [34] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Santagostini, L., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2020) A novel study approach on Scutellaria altissima L. cultivated at the Ghirardi Botanic Garden (Lombardy, Italy), Plant Biology (Stuttgart), 22(6):1013–1021.
  • [35] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Santagostini, L., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2022) Scutellaria brevibracteata subsp. subvelutina (Rech.f.) Greuter & Burdet: morphological and phytochemical characterization, Natural Product Research, 36(1):54-62.
  • [36] Hallahan, L.D., (2000) Monoterpenoid biosynthesis in glandular trichomes of Labiatae plants. In: Hallahan, D.L., Gray, J.C. (Eds.), London. Advances in botanical research. Incorporating advances in plant pathology (pp. 77-120). Plant trichomes London: Academic Press

Endemik Ballota macrodonta’nın (Lamiaceae) Vejetatif ve Üreme Organları Üzerindeki Tüyler

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 241 - 258, 28.03.2024


Bu çalışmada, endemik Ballota macrodonta’nın hem vejetatif hem de üreme organları üzerindeki tüylerin morfolojik özellikleri ve dağılımları incelendi. Tür, Türkiye de limitli yayılışa sahiptir ve endemik Iran-Turan elementidir. Bu taksonda, farklı tüy tipleri görüldü ve bu tüyler iki ana gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grup örtü tüylerini oluşturur, diğer grup salgı tüylerini oluşturmaktadır. Taksonun vejetatif ve üreme organları üzerinde örtü tüylerinin iki tipi bulundu: basit dallanmamış ve dallanmış. Basit dallanmamış örtü tüylerinin uzun bir hücreli, iki hücreli, üç hücreli ve çok hücreli tipleri bu taksonun bütün organları üzerinde daha sık görülürken, dallanmış örtü tüylerin yıldızsı tipine yaprakların alt yüzeyinde, yaprakların damarları ve kenarlarında, korolla ve kaliksin dış yüzeyinde daha sık görüldü. Salgı tüyleri farklı sap uzunluklarına ve bir-iki baş hücreye sahip kapitat ve dört-sekiz salgı hücresine sahip peltat olarak kategorize edildi. Sap hücre sayılarına göre, kapitat tüyler bir hücreli, iki hücreli, üç hücreli ve çok hücreli olarak gruplandırıldı. Kapitat olanlar B. macrodonta’nın hemen hemen bütün organlarında görüldü. Peltat tüyler nadir gövdede, yaprağın üst yüzeyinde ve korolla da nadir olarak bulunurken, bu tüyler kaliks yüzeyinde yoğun olarak bulundu. Bu türün sınıflandırılmasında hem basit dallanmamış hem de yıldız şeklindeki örtü tüylerinin değerli karakterler olarak kullanılabileceği vurgulandı.

Proje Numarası

It is not a project work


  • [1] Hashemi, M., Kharazian, N., (2021) Identification of flavonoids from Marrubium and Ballota species (Lamiaceae) and determination of chemotaxonomic markers using high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometer, Journal of Sciences Islamic Republic of Iran, 32 (4):305-320.
  • [2] Davis, P.H., Doroszenko, A., (1982) Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. In: Davis, P.H., Edmondson, R., Mill, R.R., Tan, Kit. (Eds.), Ballota L. (pp.156-160). Edinburg University Press. Edinburg.
  • [3] Güner, A., (2012) Turkey Plants List (Vascular Plants). In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (Eds.), Ballota L. (pp. 548-550). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden and Flora Research Association Publication, İstanbul-Türkiye.
  • [4] Morteza-Semnani, K., Ghanbarimasir, Z., (2019) A review on traditional use phytochemical and pharmacological activities of the genus Ballota, Journal of Ethnopharmacolgy, 233:197- 217.
  • [5] Yazgan, A.N., Yılmaz, G., Sever, Y.B., (2010) Anatomical studies on Ballota acetabulosa (L.) Benth., Ankara Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 39:265–274.
  • [6] Dulger, B., Dulger, G., (2012) Antimicrobial activity of the leaves of Ballota acetabulosa on microorganisms isolated from urinary tract infections, Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 (3): 257-262.
  • [7] Dulger, G., Dulger, B., (2017) Antibacterial activity of endemic Ballota nigra subsp. anatolica against some human eye pathogens from Turkey, Innovare Journal of Life Sciences, 5 (2): 1-3.
  • [8] Agca Can, A., Yılmaz Sarıaltın, S., Yazgan Ekici, A. N., Çoban, T., Saltan Iscan, G., Sever Yılmaz, B., (2021) Anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activity of Ballota L. species grown in Turkey. Istanbul Journal Pharmacy, 51 (3): 326-332.
  • [9] Uysal, S., Aumeeruddy-Elafi, Z., Zengin, G., Aktumsek, A., Mocan, A., Custodio, L., Neng, N.R., Nogueria, J.M.F., Ciric, A., Glamoclija, J., Sokovic, M., Mahomoodally, F., (2018) Insight into the biological properties and phytochemical composition of Ballota macrodonta Boiss. Et Balansa,-an endemic medicinal plant from Turkey. Industrial. Crops and Products, 133: 422-428.
  • Salmaki, Y., Zarre, S., Jamzad, Z., Bräuchler, C., (2009) Trichome micromorphology of Iranian Stachys (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on its systematic implication, Flora, 204: 371–381.
  • Eiji, S., Salmaki, Y., (2016) Evolution of trichomes and its systematic significance in Salvia (Mentheae; Nepetoideae; Lamiaceae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 180 (2): 241-257.
  • [12] Kandemir, N., (2023) Glandular and eglandular trichomes of endemic Ballota glandulosissima (Lamiaceae). Türler ve Habitatlar, 4 (2): 110-124.
  • [13]Beyrouthy, E.M., Arnold-Apostolides, N., Dupont, F., (2009) Trichomes morphology of six Lebanese species of Stachys (Lamiaceae), Flora Mediterranea, 19: 129-139.
  • [14] El-Deen Osman, A.K., (2012) Trichome micromorphology of Egyptian Ballota L. (Lamiaceae) with emphasis on its systematic implication, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(1): 33-46.
  • [15] Ecevit-Genç, G., Özcan, T., Dirmenci, T., (2018) Leaf indumentum in some Turkish species of Teucrium (Lamiaceae), Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 48 (1): 6-11.
  • [16] Koçak, K.V., Kandemir, N., (2023) Taxonomic importance of anatomical, ecological andtrichome features of Marrubium astracanicum subsp. astracanicum Jacq. (Lamiaceae), Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 6 (3):199-209.
  • [17] Wang, X., Shen, C., Meng, P., Tan, G., Lv, L., (2021) Analysis and Review of Trichomes in Plants, BMC Plant Biology, 21(70): 1-11.
  • [18] Navarro, T., El Oualidi, J., (2000) Trichome morphology in Teucrium L. (Labiatae). A taxonomic review, Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, 57 (2): 277-297.
  • [19] Cantino, P.D., (1990) The phylogenetic significance of stomata and trichomes in the Labiatae and Verbenaceae, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 71(3):323-370.
  • [20] Xiao, K., Mao, X., Lin, Y., Xu, H., Zhu, Y., Cai, Q., Xie, H., Zhang, J
  • [21] Karabourniotis, G., Liakopoulos, G., Nikolopoulos, D., Bresta, P., (2020) Protective and defensive roles of non-glandular trichomes against multiple stresses: structure–function coordination, Journal of Forestry Research, 31:1–12.
  • [23] Çelebioğlu, S., Baytop, T., (1949) A New Reagent for Microscopical Investigation of Plant Publication of the Institute of Pharmacognosy. İstanbul.
  • [24] Santos Tozin, L.R.D., De Melo Silva, S.C., Rodrigues, T.M., (2016) Non-Glandular Trichomes in Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae Species: Morphological and Histochemical Features Indicate More than Physical Protection, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 54(4):446–457.
  • [25] Gurdal, B., (2021) Anatomy and trichome micromorphology of endemic Ballota pseudodictamnus subsp. lycia (Lamiaceae), Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 9(4):1078-1085.
  • [26] Khosroshahi, E.E., Salmaki, Y., (2019) Evolution of trichome types and its systematic significance in the genus Phlomoides (Lamioideae–Lamiaceae), Nordic Journal of Botany, 37 (5):1-14.
  • [27] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Milani, F., Falsini, S., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2021) Micromorphological and phytochemical survey of Ballota acetabulosa (L.) Benth., Plant Biology (Stuttgart), 23(4):643-652.
  • [28] Gostin, I.N., (2023) Glandular and non-glandular trichomes from Phlomis herba-venti subsp. pungens leaves: light, confocal, and scanning electron microscopy and histochemistry of the secretory products, Plants,(Basel) 12(13):2423.
  • [29] Şahin, F.P., Toker, M.C., Ezer, N., (2005) Botanical Properties of a Mild Sedative: Ballota nigra L. subsp. nigra, FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30: 94-99.
  • [30] Xiang, C., Dong, Z., Peng, H., Lui, Z., (2010) Trichome micromorphology of the East Asiatic genus Chelonopsis (Lamiaceae) and its systematic implications, Flora, 205(7):434-441
  • [31] Tezcan, F., (2001) Revision of Türkiye Ballota L. (Labiatae) Genus. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Biology.
  • [32] Kandemir, N., (2011) Trichomes on Salvia pomifera (Lamiaceae) in Turkey, Botanica Lithuanica, 17(1):3-11.
  • [33] Giuliani, C., Maleci, B.L., (2008) Insight into the structure and chemistry of glandular trichomes of Labiatae, with emphasis on subfamily Lamioideae, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 276(3):199-208.
  • [34] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Santagostini, L., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2020) A novel study approach on Scutellaria altissima L. cultivated at the Ghirardi Botanic Garden (Lombardy, Italy), Plant Biology (Stuttgart), 22(6):1013–1021.
  • [35] Giuliani, C., Bottoni, M., Ascrizzi, R., Santagostini, L., Papini, A., Flamini, G., Fico, G., (2022) Scutellaria brevibracteata subsp. subvelutina (Rech.f.) Greuter & Burdet: morphological and phytochemical characterization, Natural Product Research, 36(1):54-62.
  • [36] Hallahan, L.D., (2000) Monoterpenoid biosynthesis in glandular trichomes of Labiatae plants. In: Hallahan, D.L., Gray, J.C. (Eds.), London. Advances in botanical research. Incorporating advances in plant pathology (pp. 77-120). Plant trichomes London: Academic Press
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Morfolojisi ve Anatomisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Nezahat Kandemir 0000-0002-5428-4139

Proje Numarası It is not a project work
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 8 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kandemir, N. (2024). Trichomes on Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of Endemic Ballota macrodonta (Lamiaceae). Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 17(1), 241-258.