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Sivas’ta Kuşburnu (Rosa canina L.)’nda Zarar Yapan Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen 1895) (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea)’un Parazitoitleri ve Parazitoitlik Durumlarının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2017, , 699 - 710, 08.12.2017


çalışma kuşburnu bitkisinde gal oluşturan Diplolepis fructuum’ un
(Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea)'un parazitoitleri ve bu parazitoitlerin,
parazitoitlik durumlarını belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucu
parazitoit olarak Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) üstfamilyasına ait 13 tür tespit
edilmiştir. Parazitoitlerin teşhis edilmesinde iki yol izlenmiştir. Bunlardan
ilki ergin ve larva üzerinden morfolojik incelemelerle yapılan teşhistir.
İkincisi morfolojik olarak değerlendirilen ergin ve larvalarının genomik DNA
izolasyonu yapılıp, çekirdek (ITS2) ve mitokondri (COI) genomlarına ait
belirteçler dizilenerek dizi bilgileri karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca açılan
gallerin incelenmesi sonucu parazitoitlerin tamamının ektoparazitoit yaşam
stratejisine sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. 


  • [1]. Nilsson O., Rosa Davis P.H. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1997; 4: 106-128.
  • [2]. Ercişli S. A short review of the fruit germplasm resources of Turkey. Genetic 228 Resources and Crop Evaluation, 2004; 51: 419-435.
  • [3]. Ercişli S. Chemical composition of fruits in some rose (Rosa ssp.) species. Food Chem., 2007; 104: 1379-1384.
  • [4]. Tapiero H., Tew K.D., Ba G.N., Mathe G. Polyphenols: do they play a role in the prevention of human pathologies. Biomedicine and Pharmacotheraphy 2002; 56: 200-207.
  • [5]. Nakamura Y., Watanabe S., Miyake N., Kohno H., Osawa T. Dihydrochalcones: evaluation as novel radical scavenging antioxidants. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 2003; 51; 3309-3312.
  • [6]. Chai J.T., Ding Z.H. Nutrients composition of Rosa laevigata fruits. Science Technology in Food Industry, 1995; 3: 26-29.
  • [7]. Uggla M., Gao X., Werlemark G. Variation among and within dog rose taxa (Rosa sect. caninae) in fruit weight, percentages of fruit flesh and dry matter, and vitamin C content. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 2003; 53: 147-155.
  • [8]. Uggla M., Gustavsson K.E., Olsson M.E., Nybom H. Changes in colour and sugar content in rose hips (Rosa dumalis L. and Rosa rubiginosa L.) during ripening. The Journal of Horticultural Sciences and Biotechnology, 2005; 80(2); 204-208.
  • [9]. LaSalle J. North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera Eulophidae). Journal of Natural History 1994; 28: 109-236.
  • [10]. Gauld I., Barry B. The Hymenoptera. Oxford University Press in association with British Museum (Natural History), 1988,
  • [11]. Zerova M.D., Djakontshuk L.A. 'Gall wasp Diplolepis mayri Schlecht. and its parasites from the superfamily Chalcidoidea of the fauna of the USSR. Entomological review 1976; 55(1): 181-183.
  • [12]. Godfray H.C.J. Parasitoids behavioral and evolutionary ecology. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1994, ISBN 0-691-00047-6
  • [13]. Loxdale H.D., Lushai, G. Molecular markers in entomology. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1998; 88: 577-600.
  • [14]. Heckel D.G. Genomics in pure and applied entomology. Annual Review of Entomology, 2003; 48: 235-260.
  • [15]. Avise, J.C., Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution, pp. 684. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 2004; pp.684
  • [16]. Saiki, R. Scharf, S. Faloona, F. Mullis, K. Horn, G. ve Erlich, H., 1985, Enzymatic amplification of beta-globin genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science, 230: 1350-54.
  • [17]. Mullis, K. Faloona, F. Scharf, S. Saiki, R. Horn, G. ve Erlich, H., 1986, Specific enzymatic amplification of DNA in vitro: the polymerase chain reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium in Quantitative Biology, 51: 263-73.
  • [18]. Mullis, K. ve Faloona, F., 1987, Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalyzed chain reaction. Methods in Enzymology, 155: 335-350.
  • [19]. Mullis, K., 1990, The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction. Scientific American, 262 (4): 56-65.
  • [20]. Caterino, M.S. Cho, S. ve Sperling, F.A.H., 2000, The current state of insect molecular systematics: A thriving tower of babel. Annual Review of Entomology, 45: 1-54.
  • [21]. Hebert, P.D.N. Cywinska, A. Ball, S.L. ve deWaard J.R., 2003, Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. Proc. Biol. Sci., 270 (1512): 313-321
  • [22]. Shokralla, S. ve Ark., 2011, Pyrosequencing for mini-barcoding of fresh and old museum specimens. PLoS One, 6 (7): e21252.
  • [23]. Hillis, D.M. ve Dixon, M.T., 1991, Ribosomal DNA molecular evolution and phylogenetic inference. Q. Rev. Biol., 66:411-454.
  • [24]. Hoy, M.A. , 2003, Insect Molecular Genetics, edition two, Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego. 560 pp
  • [25]. Pujade-Villar, J. ve Plantard, O., 2002, About the validity of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) and some new synonyms in Diplolepis nervosa (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Diplolepidini). En: Parasitic Wasps: Evolution, Systematics, Biodiversity and Biological Control'. Agroinform. Budapest: 135-142.
  • [26]. Lotfalizadeh, H. Jean-Yves, R. ve Gérard. D., 2007), Rose gall wasps and their associated fauna (Hymenoptera) in Iran. Redia 89, 73-85.
  • [27]. Lotfalizadeh, H. Mojtaba, R. ve Seyed Massoud, M., 2012, Parasitoid community of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) (Hym.: Cynipidae) in Kerman Province, with checklist of associated Hymenoptera fauna in Iran. 'North-Western Journal of Zoology 8.(1), 125-131.
  • [28]. Gómez, J.F. José Luıs, N.A. ve Nieves, M.H., 2012, Comparative morphology, biology and phylogeny of terminal‐instar larvae of the European species of Toryminae (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) parasitoids of gall wasps (Hym. Cynipidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154.(4), 676-721.
  • [29]. Güçlü, S. ve Ark. , 2008, Gall-inducing wasps of the genus Diplolepis (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on shrub roses of Turkey. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 110(1), 204-217.
  • [30]. Katılmış, Y. ve Kıyak, S., 2010, Distribution, Phenology and Effects of Diplolepis spp.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Rosa canina in the Inland Western Anatolian. J. Entomol. Res. Soc 12.(2), 31-36.
  • [31]. Mete Ö. ve Mergen Y.O., 2016, The community members associated with rose gall wasp Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen, 1895) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Tokat Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40.
  • [32]. Gençer, L., 2003, Sivas' ta Kuşburnu (Rosa canina)'nda zarar yapan Diplolepis mayri Schld.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)'nin Chalcidoid parasitoitleri. Turkish Journal of Entomology 27.2.
  • [33]. Gómez, J.F. José Luıs, N.A. ve Nieves, M.H., 2007, Comparative Morphology, Biology and Phylogeny of Terminal-Instar Larvae of the European Species of Toryminae (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) Parasitoids of Gall Wasps (Hym. Cynipidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society,154: 676-721.
  • [34]. Grissell, E.E., 1995, Toryminae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidae: Torymidae) A Redefinition. Generic Classification, and Annotated World Catalog of species. Memoirs on Entomology. International. Associated Publisher. Gainesvile: 470 pp.
  • [35]. Noyes J.S. Interactive Cataloque of Word Chalcidoidea 2001, Compact disk. Taxapod, Vancouver, Canada 2002.
  • [36]. Tormos J. ve Ark., Descriptions of the Final instar of Eurytoma nodularis and E. heriadi (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)'. Florida Entomologist 2004; 87(3): 278-282.
  • [37]. Viggiani G., Nugnes F. Description of the larval stages of Dryokosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), with notes on their phenology. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 2010; 42.(1): 39-45.
  • [38]. Gómez, J.F., Jose Luıs N.A. Notes on the larval morphology of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) species parasitoids of gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Europe. Zootaxa 2012; 3189: 39-55.
  • [39]. Ewing B., Hillier L., Wendl M.C., Gren P. Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington, Seattle, 1998 Washington USA.
  • [40]. Kılıncer N., Ankara'da Gül Gal Arıları (Rhodites spp.)'nin (Hym: Cynipidae) Parazitleri Üzerine Arastırmalar. Türk. Bitki Kor. Bült., 1983; 23(1): 1-10.
  • [41]. Ozbek H., Güçlü Ş., Tozlu G., Erzurum’da Kuşburnu (Rosa canina L.)'nda Zarar Yapan Diplolepis mayri Schld.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)'nin Biyolojisi ve Doğal Düşmanları, Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 1999; 23(1): 39-50.
  • [42]. Ozbek H., Güçlü Ş., Tozlu, G. OItu ve Çevre İlçelerde Kuşburnu ve Önemli Zararlıları. Geçmişten Geleceğe Oltu ve Çevresi Sempozyumu, 1-3 Temmuz, Oltu (Erzurum), 1998; 567-576.
  • [43]. Vårdal, H., 2004, From Parasitoids to Gall Inducers and Inquilines: Morphological Evolution in Cynipoid Wasps. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 932. 41 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-5861-0.
  • [44]. Daneshvar S., Ali T., Yaghoub F. The wasps associated with seeds and galls of Rosa canina in Iran. Advances in Environmental Biology. 2009; 3(1): 61-68.
  • [45]. Lotfalizadeh H. Reyhaneh E.T., Ashkan M.Y. Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen)(Hym.: Cynipidae) a new host for Exeristes roborator (Fabricius)(Hym.: Ichneumonidae) in Iran. North-Western Journal of Zoology 2009; 3.(2): 171.
  • [46]. Katılmış Y., Kıyak S. Further Study on Perıclıstus Brandtıı (Ratzeburg, 1831) (Hymenoptera, Cynıpıdae) From Turkey. Entomological News 2012; 122.(1): 51-54.
  • [47]. Mete Ö., Demirsoy A. A preliminary study on the gallwasp fauna of Kemaliye (Erzincan, Turkey) and a new record for Turkey. Hacettepe J Biol Chem Special Issue 2012; 351-363.
  • [48]. Graham M.W.R., de V. Gijswijt M.J. Revisin of European species of Torymus Dalman (s. Lat) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 1998; 317: 1-202.
  • [49]. Noyes J.S., Chapter 11 Hymenoptera (wasps). 11.5. Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea)'. The Greenland Entomofauna: An Identification Manual of Insects, Spiders and their Allies, 2015, 170-176 (Eds: Böcher, J.; Kristensen, N.P.; Pape, T.; Vilhelmsen, L.) Brill, Leiden and Boston.

Determination of Parasitoids and its Parasitoids Life of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) as Pest of Rosehip (Rosa canina) in Sivas

Yıl 2017, , 699 - 710, 08.12.2017


study was made to determine parasitoids and their parasitoids life of D.
which are gall-inducing on Rosa canina. In the results of
the study, as parasitoids were recorded thirteen species belong to Chalcidoidea
superfamily. Identification of parasitoids were observed in two ways. The first
of these,  made by morphological
examination of adult and larva. Second, it was done by genomic DNA isolation of
adult and larva evaluated morphologically and was compared by sequencing of
nuclear (ITS2) and mitochondrial (COI) genome. In addition, examination of
opened gall were determined as ectoparasitoid of life strategy of all


  • [1]. Nilsson O., Rosa Davis P.H. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1997; 4: 106-128.
  • [2]. Ercişli S. A short review of the fruit germplasm resources of Turkey. Genetic 228 Resources and Crop Evaluation, 2004; 51: 419-435.
  • [3]. Ercişli S. Chemical composition of fruits in some rose (Rosa ssp.) species. Food Chem., 2007; 104: 1379-1384.
  • [4]. Tapiero H., Tew K.D., Ba G.N., Mathe G. Polyphenols: do they play a role in the prevention of human pathologies. Biomedicine and Pharmacotheraphy 2002; 56: 200-207.
  • [5]. Nakamura Y., Watanabe S., Miyake N., Kohno H., Osawa T. Dihydrochalcones: evaluation as novel radical scavenging antioxidants. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 2003; 51; 3309-3312.
  • [6]. Chai J.T., Ding Z.H. Nutrients composition of Rosa laevigata fruits. Science Technology in Food Industry, 1995; 3: 26-29.
  • [7]. Uggla M., Gao X., Werlemark G. Variation among and within dog rose taxa (Rosa sect. caninae) in fruit weight, percentages of fruit flesh and dry matter, and vitamin C content. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 2003; 53: 147-155.
  • [8]. Uggla M., Gustavsson K.E., Olsson M.E., Nybom H. Changes in colour and sugar content in rose hips (Rosa dumalis L. and Rosa rubiginosa L.) during ripening. The Journal of Horticultural Sciences and Biotechnology, 2005; 80(2); 204-208.
  • [9]. LaSalle J. North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera Eulophidae). Journal of Natural History 1994; 28: 109-236.
  • [10]. Gauld I., Barry B. The Hymenoptera. Oxford University Press in association with British Museum (Natural History), 1988,
  • [11]. Zerova M.D., Djakontshuk L.A. 'Gall wasp Diplolepis mayri Schlecht. and its parasites from the superfamily Chalcidoidea of the fauna of the USSR. Entomological review 1976; 55(1): 181-183.
  • [12]. Godfray H.C.J. Parasitoids behavioral and evolutionary ecology. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1994, ISBN 0-691-00047-6
  • [13]. Loxdale H.D., Lushai, G. Molecular markers in entomology. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1998; 88: 577-600.
  • [14]. Heckel D.G. Genomics in pure and applied entomology. Annual Review of Entomology, 2003; 48: 235-260.
  • [15]. Avise, J.C., Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution, pp. 684. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 2004; pp.684
  • [16]. Saiki, R. Scharf, S. Faloona, F. Mullis, K. Horn, G. ve Erlich, H., 1985, Enzymatic amplification of beta-globin genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science, 230: 1350-54.
  • [17]. Mullis, K. Faloona, F. Scharf, S. Saiki, R. Horn, G. ve Erlich, H., 1986, Specific enzymatic amplification of DNA in vitro: the polymerase chain reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium in Quantitative Biology, 51: 263-73.
  • [18]. Mullis, K. ve Faloona, F., 1987, Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalyzed chain reaction. Methods in Enzymology, 155: 335-350.
  • [19]. Mullis, K., 1990, The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction. Scientific American, 262 (4): 56-65.
  • [20]. Caterino, M.S. Cho, S. ve Sperling, F.A.H., 2000, The current state of insect molecular systematics: A thriving tower of babel. Annual Review of Entomology, 45: 1-54.
  • [21]. Hebert, P.D.N. Cywinska, A. Ball, S.L. ve deWaard J.R., 2003, Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. Proc. Biol. Sci., 270 (1512): 313-321
  • [22]. Shokralla, S. ve Ark., 2011, Pyrosequencing for mini-barcoding of fresh and old museum specimens. PLoS One, 6 (7): e21252.
  • [23]. Hillis, D.M. ve Dixon, M.T., 1991, Ribosomal DNA molecular evolution and phylogenetic inference. Q. Rev. Biol., 66:411-454.
  • [24]. Hoy, M.A. , 2003, Insect Molecular Genetics, edition two, Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego. 560 pp
  • [25]. Pujade-Villar, J. ve Plantard, O., 2002, About the validity of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) and some new synonyms in Diplolepis nervosa (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Diplolepidini). En: Parasitic Wasps: Evolution, Systematics, Biodiversity and Biological Control'. Agroinform. Budapest: 135-142.
  • [26]. Lotfalizadeh, H. Jean-Yves, R. ve Gérard. D., 2007), Rose gall wasps and their associated fauna (Hymenoptera) in Iran. Redia 89, 73-85.
  • [27]. Lotfalizadeh, H. Mojtaba, R. ve Seyed Massoud, M., 2012, Parasitoid community of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) (Hym.: Cynipidae) in Kerman Province, with checklist of associated Hymenoptera fauna in Iran. 'North-Western Journal of Zoology 8.(1), 125-131.
  • [28]. Gómez, J.F. José Luıs, N.A. ve Nieves, M.H., 2012, Comparative morphology, biology and phylogeny of terminal‐instar larvae of the European species of Toryminae (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) parasitoids of gall wasps (Hym. Cynipidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154.(4), 676-721.
  • [29]. Güçlü, S. ve Ark. , 2008, Gall-inducing wasps of the genus Diplolepis (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on shrub roses of Turkey. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 110(1), 204-217.
  • [30]. Katılmış, Y. ve Kıyak, S., 2010, Distribution, Phenology and Effects of Diplolepis spp.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Rosa canina in the Inland Western Anatolian. J. Entomol. Res. Soc 12.(2), 31-36.
  • [31]. Mete Ö. ve Mergen Y.O., 2016, The community members associated with rose gall wasp Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen, 1895) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Tokat Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40.
  • [32]. Gençer, L., 2003, Sivas' ta Kuşburnu (Rosa canina)'nda zarar yapan Diplolepis mayri Schld.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)'nin Chalcidoid parasitoitleri. Turkish Journal of Entomology 27.2.
  • [33]. Gómez, J.F. José Luıs, N.A. ve Nieves, M.H., 2007, Comparative Morphology, Biology and Phylogeny of Terminal-Instar Larvae of the European Species of Toryminae (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) Parasitoids of Gall Wasps (Hym. Cynipidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society,154: 676-721.
  • [34]. Grissell, E.E., 1995, Toryminae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidae: Torymidae) A Redefinition. Generic Classification, and Annotated World Catalog of species. Memoirs on Entomology. International. Associated Publisher. Gainesvile: 470 pp.
  • [35]. Noyes J.S. Interactive Cataloque of Word Chalcidoidea 2001, Compact disk. Taxapod, Vancouver, Canada 2002.
  • [36]. Tormos J. ve Ark., Descriptions of the Final instar of Eurytoma nodularis and E. heriadi (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)'. Florida Entomologist 2004; 87(3): 278-282.
  • [37]. Viggiani G., Nugnes F. Description of the larval stages of Dryokosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), with notes on their phenology. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 2010; 42.(1): 39-45.
  • [38]. Gómez, J.F., Jose Luıs N.A. Notes on the larval morphology of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) species parasitoids of gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Europe. Zootaxa 2012; 3189: 39-55.
  • [39]. Ewing B., Hillier L., Wendl M.C., Gren P. Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington, Seattle, 1998 Washington USA.
  • [40]. Kılıncer N., Ankara'da Gül Gal Arıları (Rhodites spp.)'nin (Hym: Cynipidae) Parazitleri Üzerine Arastırmalar. Türk. Bitki Kor. Bült., 1983; 23(1): 1-10.
  • [41]. Ozbek H., Güçlü Ş., Tozlu G., Erzurum’da Kuşburnu (Rosa canina L.)'nda Zarar Yapan Diplolepis mayri Schld.(Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)'nin Biyolojisi ve Doğal Düşmanları, Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 1999; 23(1): 39-50.
  • [42]. Ozbek H., Güçlü Ş., Tozlu, G. OItu ve Çevre İlçelerde Kuşburnu ve Önemli Zararlıları. Geçmişten Geleceğe Oltu ve Çevresi Sempozyumu, 1-3 Temmuz, Oltu (Erzurum), 1998; 567-576.
  • [43]. Vårdal, H., 2004, From Parasitoids to Gall Inducers and Inquilines: Morphological Evolution in Cynipoid Wasps. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 932. 41 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-5861-0.
  • [44]. Daneshvar S., Ali T., Yaghoub F. The wasps associated with seeds and galls of Rosa canina in Iran. Advances in Environmental Biology. 2009; 3(1): 61-68.
  • [45]. Lotfalizadeh H. Reyhaneh E.T., Ashkan M.Y. Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen)(Hym.: Cynipidae) a new host for Exeristes roborator (Fabricius)(Hym.: Ichneumonidae) in Iran. North-Western Journal of Zoology 2009; 3.(2): 171.
  • [46]. Katılmış Y., Kıyak S. Further Study on Perıclıstus Brandtıı (Ratzeburg, 1831) (Hymenoptera, Cynıpıdae) From Turkey. Entomological News 2012; 122.(1): 51-54.
  • [47]. Mete Ö., Demirsoy A. A preliminary study on the gallwasp fauna of Kemaliye (Erzincan, Turkey) and a new record for Turkey. Hacettepe J Biol Chem Special Issue 2012; 351-363.
  • [48]. Graham M.W.R., de V. Gijswijt M.J. Revisin of European species of Torymus Dalman (s. Lat) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 1998; 317: 1-202.
  • [49]. Noyes J.S., Chapter 11 Hymenoptera (wasps). 11.5. Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea)'. The Greenland Entomofauna: An Identification Manual of Insects, Spiders and their Allies, 2015, 170-176 (Eds: Böcher, J.; Kristensen, N.P.; Pape, T.; Vilhelmsen, L.) Brill, Leiden and Boston.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Natural Sciences

Lütfiye Gençer

Merve Gül

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mayıs 2017
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Gençer, L., & Gül, M. (2017). Determination of Parasitoids and its Parasitoids Life of Diplolepis fructuum (Rübsaamen) (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) as Pest of Rosehip (Rosa canina) in Sivas. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 38(4), 699-710.