Research Article
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Investigation of Cytotoxic Activity of Anthriscus nemorosa (M.Bieb.) Spreng. on Lung Cancer Cells

Year 2024, , 688 - 692, 30.12.2024


Medicinal plants are considered an important source of human health due to their therapeutic potential against various diseases including cancer. Cancer is a life-threatening disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and abnormal signaling processes. The incidence of cancer in society is increasing day by day. The search for active biological resources is important for the discovery of new anticancer drugs. Anthriscus nemorosa (M.Bieb.) Spreng. (Apiaceae) is a medicinal plant naturally distributed in Turkiye and traditionally used as food and against various diseases. This study investigated the methanol extracts of aerial parts and roots of A. nemorosa for cytotoxicity on lung cancer (A549) and non-cancerous (L929) cell lines. According to the results, both extracts showed significant dose-dependent cytotoxic effects on lung cancer cells. IC50 value was recorded as 8.29 μg/mL in the aerial parts extract. On the other hand, it was recorded as 3.57 μg/mL in the roots extract. Furthermore, the selectivity indexes were calculated as 5.93 and 3.38 for aerial parts and roots extracts, respectively. In light of the findings, it has been concluded that A. nemorosa deserves further anticancer research


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  • [19] Suffness M., Assays related to cancer drug discovery. In: Hostettmann K. (Ed) Methods plant biochem: assays bioactivity. London: Academic Press, (1990) 71–133
  • [20] Noguchi T., Kawanami M., Studies on the constitutent of Anthricus sylvestris. Hoffm., Yakugaku Zasshi, 60 (1940) 2809-2814.
  • [21] Jung C.H., Kim H., Ahn J., Jung S.K., Um M.Y., Son K.H., Anthricin isolated from Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells by inhibiting Akt/mTOR Signaling, and its apoptotic effects are enhanced by autophagy inhibition, Evid. Based. Complement. Alternat. Med., (2013).
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  • [23] Olaru O.T., Niţulescu G.M., Orţan A., Băbeanu N., Popa O., Ionescu D., Dinu-Pirvu C.E., Polyphenolic content and toxicity assessment of Anthriscus sylyestris Hoffm., Rom. Biotechnol. Lett., 22 (6) (2016) 12054.
  • [24] Berežni S., Mimica-Dukić N., Domina G., Raimondo F.M., Orčić D., Anthriscus sylvestris-noxious weed or sustainable source of bioactive lignans, Plants, 13(8) (2024) 1087.
  • [25] Turabelidze D.G., Mikaya G.A., Kemertelidze E.P., Vul'fson N.S., Lignan lactones from the roots of wild chervil Anthriscus nemerosa (Bieb.) Spreng., Bioorg. Khim., 8(5) (1982).
Year 2024, , 688 - 692, 30.12.2024



  • [1] Al Qaisi Y., Alfarrayeh I., Alsarayreh A., Khleifat K., Abu-Nwas N., Assessment of antioxidant potential, cytotoxicity, and anticancer activity of methanolic extracts from selected wild medicinal plants, Phytomed. Plus., 4 (2) (2024) 100534.
  • [2] Bagci E., Aydin E., Ungureanu E., Hritcu L. Anthriscus nemorosa essential oil inhalation prevents memory impairment, anxiety and depression in scopolamine-treated rats, Biomed. Pharmacother., 84 (2016) 1313-1320.
  • [3] Menemen Y., Anthriscus Pers. In: Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M., Babaç M.T., (Eds). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanic Garden Publications, (2012) 62-64.
  • [4] Altundag E., Ozturk M., Ethnomedicinal studies on the plant resources of East Anatolia, Turkey, Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci., 19 (2011) 756-777.
  • [5] Gairola S., Sharma J., Bedi Y.S., A cross-cultural analysis of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh (India) medicinal plant use, J. Ethnopharmacol., 155 (2) (2014) 925-986.
  • [6] Tarakçi Z., Coskun H., Tunçtürk Y., Some properties of fresh and ripened herby cheese, a traditional variety produced in Turkey, Food Technol. Biotechnol., 42 (1) (2004) 47-50.
  • [7] Pavlović M., Petrović S., Milenković M., Couladis M., Tzakou O., Niketić M., Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Anthriscus nemorosa root essential oil, Nat. Prod. Commun., 6 (2) (2011).
  • [8] Karakaya S., Yılmaz S.V., Koca M., Demirci B., Sytar O., Screening of non-alkaloid acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from extracts and essential oils of Anthriscus nemorosa (M. Bieb.) Spreng. (Apiaceae), S. Afr. J. Bot., 125 (2019) 261-269.
  • [9] Baldassarri C., Falappa G., Mazzara E., Acquaticci L., Ossoli E., Perinelli D.R., Antitrypanosomal activity of Anthriscus nemorosa essential oils and combinations of their main constituents, Antibiotics, 10 (11) (2021) 1413.
  • [10] Forouhandeh H., Zarchini M., Safarzadeh E., Molavi O., Asgharian P., Tarhriz V., Evaluation of the cytotoxic activity of Anthriscus nemorosa on breast cancer cells, J. Contemp. Med. Sci., 7 (4) (2021) 217-226.
  • [11] Chen H., Jiang H.Z., Li Y.C., Wei G.Q., Geng Y., Ma C.Y., Antitumor constituents from Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm., Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev., 15 (6) (2014) 2803-2807.
  • [12] Cho E.J., Choi J.M., Kim H.M., Choi K., Ku J., Park K.W., Antibacterial activity and protective effect against gastric cancer by Anthriscus sylvestris fractions, Hortic. Environ. Biotechnol., 54 (2013) 326-330.
  • [13] Ikeda R., Nagao T., Okabe H., Nakano Y., Matsunaga H., Katano M., Mori M., Antiproliferative Constituents In Umbelliferae Plants. III. Constituents in the Root and the Ground Part of Anthriscus sylvestris Hoffm., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 46 (5) (1998) 871-874.
  • [14] Lim Y.H., Leem M.J., Shin D.H., Chang H.B., Hong S.W., Moon E.Y., Cytotoxic constituents from the roots of Anthriscus sylvestris, Arch. Pharm. Res., 22 (1999) 208-212.
  • [15] Emerce E., Taban Akça K., Cytotoxic Activity Methods. In: Methods for Preclinical Evaluation of Bioactive Natural Products, (2023) 149-176.
  • [16] van Tonder A., Joubert A.M., Cromarty A.D., Limitations Of The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay when compared to three commonly used cell enumeration assays, BMC Res. Notes, 8 (1) (2015) 1-10.
  • [17] Badisa R.B., Darling-Reed S.F., Joseph P., Cooperwood J.S., Latinwo L.M., Goodman C.B., Selective cytotoxic activities of two novel synthetic drugs on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells, Anticancer Res., 29(8) (2009) 2993-2996.
  • [18] Acar Çevik U., Celik I., Görgülü Ş., Şahin Inan Z.D., Bostancı H.E., Özkay Y., Kaplacıklı Z.A., New benzimidazole‐oxadiazole derivatives as potent VEGFR‐2 inhibitors: synthesis, anticancer evaluation, and docking study, Drug Dev. Res., 85 (4) (2024) e22218.
  • [19] Suffness M., Assays related to cancer drug discovery. In: Hostettmann K. (Ed) Methods plant biochem: assays bioactivity. London: Academic Press, (1990) 71–133
  • [20] Noguchi T., Kawanami M., Studies on the constitutent of Anthricus sylvestris. Hoffm., Yakugaku Zasshi, 60 (1940) 2809-2814.
  • [21] Jung C.H., Kim H., Ahn J., Jung S.K., Um M.Y., Son K.H., Anthricin isolated from Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells by inhibiting Akt/mTOR Signaling, and its apoptotic effects are enhanced by autophagy inhibition, Evid. Based. Complement. Alternat. Med., (2013).
  • [22] Khaled M., Jiang Z.Z., Zhang L.Y., Deoxypodophyllotoxin: a promising therapeutic agent from herbal medicine, J. Ethnopharmacol., 149 (1) (2013) 24-34.
  • [23] Olaru O.T., Niţulescu G.M., Orţan A., Băbeanu N., Popa O., Ionescu D., Dinu-Pirvu C.E., Polyphenolic content and toxicity assessment of Anthriscus sylyestris Hoffm., Rom. Biotechnol. Lett., 22 (6) (2016) 12054.
  • [24] Berežni S., Mimica-Dukić N., Domina G., Raimondo F.M., Orčić D., Anthriscus sylvestris-noxious weed or sustainable source of bioactive lignans, Plants, 13(8) (2024) 1087.
  • [25] Turabelidze D.G., Mikaya G.A., Kemertelidze E.P., Vul'fson N.S., Lignan lactones from the roots of wild chervil Anthriscus nemerosa (Bieb.) Spreng., Bioorg. Khim., 8(5) (1982).
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacognosy
Journal Section Natural Sciences

Kevser Taban 0000-0001-8620-6402

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date September 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Taban, K. (2024). Investigation of Cytotoxic Activity of Anthriscus nemorosa (M.Bieb.) Spreng. on Lung Cancer Cells. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 45(4), 688-692.