Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 69 - 76, 29.03.2019



  • [1] Fletcher D, Sarkar M. Psychological resilience a review and critique of definitions, concepts, and theory. Eur Psychol 2013; 18(1):12-23.
  • [2] Rees CS, Breen LJ, Cusack L, Hegney D. The contribution of individual psychological resilience in determining the professional quality of life of Australian nurses. Front Psychol 2015; 5(6):1-8.
  • [3] Hegney DG1, Craigie M, Hemsworth D, Osseiran-Moisson R, Aoun S, Francis K. et al. Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress in registered nurses in Australia: Study 1 results. J Nurs Manag 2014; 22(4):506-18.
  • [4] Thomas LJ. Revell SH. Resilience in nursing students: An integrative review. Nurse Educ Today 2016;36:457-462.
  • [5] Edward KI. The phenomenon of resilience in crisis care mental health clinicians. Int J Ment Health Nurs 2005;14:142-48.
  • [6] Garcia-Dia MJ, DiNapoli JM, Garcia-Ona L, Jakubowski R, O’Flaherty D. Concept Analysis: Resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2013; 27:264-70.
  • [7] Stephens TM. Nursing student resilience: A concept clarification. Nurs Forum 2013; 48(2): 125-33.
  • [8] Aroian KJ, Norris AE. Resilience, stress, and depression among Russian immigrants to Israel. West J Nurs Res 2000; 22(1):54- 67.
  • [9] Basım HN, Çetin F. Yetişkinler için psikolojik dayanıklılık ölçeği’nin güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2011; 22(2):104-14.
  • [10] Fitzpatrick JJ. Resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2009; 23(5):341- 42.
  • [11] Hart PL, Brannane JD, De Chesnay M. Resilience in nurses: An integrative review. J Nurs Manag 2014; 22: 720-34.
  • [12] Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Turkish Adaptation of Perceived Stress Scale, Bio-Psycho-Social Response, and Coping Behaviours of Stress Scales for Nursing Students. J Psy Nurs 2015; 6(1):15-25.
  • [13] Wilks SE, Spivey CA. Resilience in undergraduate social work students: social support and adjustment to academic stress. J Soc Work Educ 2010; 29(3):276-88.
  • [14] Goff AM. Stressors, academic performance, and learned resourcefulness in baccalaureate nursing students. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh 2011; 8(1): 1-20.
  • [15] Ardahan M. Sosyal destek ve hemşirelik. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2006; 9(2):68-75.
  • [16] Ruiller C, Van Der Heijden BI. Socio-emotional support in French hospitals: Effects on French nurses’ and nurse aides’ affective commitment. Appl Nurs Res 2016; 29:229-36.
  • [17] Güngörmüş K, Okanlı A, Kocabeyoğlu T. Factors influencing resilience in nursing students. J Psy Nurs 2015; 6(1):9-14.
  • [18] Hamdan-Mansour AM, Azzeghaiby SM, Alzoghaibi IN, Al Badawi TH, Nassar OS, Shaheen AM. Correlates of resilience among university students. AJNR 2014; 2(4): 74-79.
  • [19] Inci FH, Temel AB. The effect of the support program on the resilience of female family caregivers of stroke patients: Randomized controlled trial. Appl Nurs Res 2016; 32:233-40.
  • [20] Hartley MT. Examining the relationships between resilience, mental health, and academic persistence in undergraduate college students. J Am Coll Health 2011; 59(7):596-604.
  • [21] McGowan JE, Murray K. Exploring resilience in nursing and midwifery students: A literature review. J Adv Nurs 2016; 72(10):2272-83.
  • [22] 22.Reyes AT, Andrusyszyn MA, Iwasiw C, Forchuk C, Babenko- Mould Y. Resilience in nursing education: An integrative review. J Nurs Educ 2015; 54(8):438-44.
  • [23] Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye uyarlanması. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2014; 16(2):29-40.
  • [24] Eker D, Arkar H, Yaldız H. Factorial Structure, Validity, and Reliability of Revised Form of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 2001; 12(1):17- 25.
  • [25] Thomas J, Jack BA, Jinks AM. Resilience to care: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature concerning the experiences of student nurses in adult hospital settings in the UK. Nurse Educ Today 2012; 32:657-64.
  • [26] 26.Rios-Risques MI, García-Izquierdo M, Sabuco-Tebar EL, Carrillo-Garcia C, Martinez-Roche ME. An exploratory study of the relationship between resilience, academic burnout and psychological health in nursing students. Contemp Nurse 2016; 52(4):430-39.
  • [27] Smith GD, Yang F. Stress, resilience and psychological wellbeing in Chinese undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2017; 49:90-95.
  • [28] 28.Hodges HF, Keeley AC, Troyan PJ. Professional resilience in baccalaureate – prepared acute care nurses: first steps. Nurs Educ Perspect 2008; 29(2):80-89.
  • [29] Luo Y, Wang H. Correlation research on psychological health impact on nursing students against stress, coping way and social support. Nurse Educ Today 2009; 29:5-8.
  • [30] Montes-Berges B, Augusto JM. Exploring the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, coping, social support and mental health in nursing students. J Psychiatr and Ment Health Nurs 2007;14:163-71.
  • [31] Pines EW, Rauschhuber ML, Norgan GH, Cook JD, Canchola L, Richardson C, Jones ME. Stress resiliency, psychological empowerment and conflict management styles among baccalaureate nursing students. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68(7):1482- 93.
  • [32] Ağaçdiken S, Bora NM, Özdelikara A. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik eğitimine yönelik yaşadıkları stres düzeyinin belirlenmesi. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016; 1(1):1-18.
  • [33] Altıok HÖ, Üstün B. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stres kaynakları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 2013; 13(2):747-66.
  • [34] Yıldırım N, Karacan A, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz, F, Akkuş D. Stress experienced by Turkish nursing students and related factors. Clin and Exp Health Sci 2016; 6(3):121-28.
  • [35] Burnard P, Edwards D, Bennett K, Thaibah H, Tothova V, Baldacchino D. et al. . A comparative, longitudinal study of stress in student nurses in five countries: Albania, Brunei, the Czech Republic, Malta and Wales. Nurse Educ Today 2008; 28(2):134-45.
  • [36] Malkoç A, Yalçın I. Relationships among resilience, social support, coping, and psychological well-being among university students. TPCGJ 2015; 5 (43):35-43.
  • [37] Mayordomo-Rodríguez T, García-Massó X, Sales-Galán A, Meléndez-Moral JC, Serra-Añó P. Resilience patterns: Improving stress adaptation based on an individual’s personal features. Int J Aging Hum Dev, 2015; 80(4):316-31.

Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support

Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 69 - 76, 29.03.2019


Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the levels of psychological resilience, academic stress and social support available to nursing
students and the relationship between these factors.
Methods: The population of the study, which had a descriptive and correlational research design, was made up of 1202 students, while the sample
consisted of 322 students selected using the sample size formula for a known population. Data were collected using a Structured Questionnaire, the
Psychological Resilience Scale for Adults, the Nursing Education Stress Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support.
Results: 76.7% of students were female and 23.3% were male. A statistically significant correlation was found between scores for psychological
resilience and perceived social support (p<0.05). It was found that the individual characteristics of students affected their psychological resilience.
Levels of psychological resilience, academic stress, and social support among nursing students are at a moderate level.
Conclusion: The significance of resilience is clear, a better understanding is needed of what factors affect a student’s level of resilience and how this
resilience can best be improved.


  • [1] Fletcher D, Sarkar M. Psychological resilience a review and critique of definitions, concepts, and theory. Eur Psychol 2013; 18(1):12-23.
  • [2] Rees CS, Breen LJ, Cusack L, Hegney D. The contribution of individual psychological resilience in determining the professional quality of life of Australian nurses. Front Psychol 2015; 5(6):1-8.
  • [3] Hegney DG1, Craigie M, Hemsworth D, Osseiran-Moisson R, Aoun S, Francis K. et al. Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress in registered nurses in Australia: Study 1 results. J Nurs Manag 2014; 22(4):506-18.
  • [4] Thomas LJ. Revell SH. Resilience in nursing students: An integrative review. Nurse Educ Today 2016;36:457-462.
  • [5] Edward KI. The phenomenon of resilience in crisis care mental health clinicians. Int J Ment Health Nurs 2005;14:142-48.
  • [6] Garcia-Dia MJ, DiNapoli JM, Garcia-Ona L, Jakubowski R, O’Flaherty D. Concept Analysis: Resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2013; 27:264-70.
  • [7] Stephens TM. Nursing student resilience: A concept clarification. Nurs Forum 2013; 48(2): 125-33.
  • [8] Aroian KJ, Norris AE. Resilience, stress, and depression among Russian immigrants to Israel. West J Nurs Res 2000; 22(1):54- 67.
  • [9] Basım HN, Çetin F. Yetişkinler için psikolojik dayanıklılık ölçeği’nin güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2011; 22(2):104-14.
  • [10] Fitzpatrick JJ. Resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2009; 23(5):341- 42.
  • [11] Hart PL, Brannane JD, De Chesnay M. Resilience in nurses: An integrative review. J Nurs Manag 2014; 22: 720-34.
  • [12] Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Turkish Adaptation of Perceived Stress Scale, Bio-Psycho-Social Response, and Coping Behaviours of Stress Scales for Nursing Students. J Psy Nurs 2015; 6(1):15-25.
  • [13] Wilks SE, Spivey CA. Resilience in undergraduate social work students: social support and adjustment to academic stress. J Soc Work Educ 2010; 29(3):276-88.
  • [14] Goff AM. Stressors, academic performance, and learned resourcefulness in baccalaureate nursing students. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh 2011; 8(1): 1-20.
  • [15] Ardahan M. Sosyal destek ve hemşirelik. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2006; 9(2):68-75.
  • [16] Ruiller C, Van Der Heijden BI. Socio-emotional support in French hospitals: Effects on French nurses’ and nurse aides’ affective commitment. Appl Nurs Res 2016; 29:229-36.
  • [17] Güngörmüş K, Okanlı A, Kocabeyoğlu T. Factors influencing resilience in nursing students. J Psy Nurs 2015; 6(1):9-14.
  • [18] Hamdan-Mansour AM, Azzeghaiby SM, Alzoghaibi IN, Al Badawi TH, Nassar OS, Shaheen AM. Correlates of resilience among university students. AJNR 2014; 2(4): 74-79.
  • [19] Inci FH, Temel AB. The effect of the support program on the resilience of female family caregivers of stroke patients: Randomized controlled trial. Appl Nurs Res 2016; 32:233-40.
  • [20] Hartley MT. Examining the relationships between resilience, mental health, and academic persistence in undergraduate college students. J Am Coll Health 2011; 59(7):596-604.
  • [21] McGowan JE, Murray K. Exploring resilience in nursing and midwifery students: A literature review. J Adv Nurs 2016; 72(10):2272-83.
  • [22] 22.Reyes AT, Andrusyszyn MA, Iwasiw C, Forchuk C, Babenko- Mould Y. Resilience in nursing education: An integrative review. J Nurs Educ 2015; 54(8):438-44.
  • [23] Karaca A, Yıldırım N, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz F, Akkuş D. Hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye uyarlanması. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 2014; 16(2):29-40.
  • [24] Eker D, Arkar H, Yaldız H. Factorial Structure, Validity, and Reliability of Revised Form of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 2001; 12(1):17- 25.
  • [25] Thomas J, Jack BA, Jinks AM. Resilience to care: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature concerning the experiences of student nurses in adult hospital settings in the UK. Nurse Educ Today 2012; 32:657-64.
  • [26] 26.Rios-Risques MI, García-Izquierdo M, Sabuco-Tebar EL, Carrillo-Garcia C, Martinez-Roche ME. An exploratory study of the relationship between resilience, academic burnout and psychological health in nursing students. Contemp Nurse 2016; 52(4):430-39.
  • [27] Smith GD, Yang F. Stress, resilience and psychological wellbeing in Chinese undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2017; 49:90-95.
  • [28] 28.Hodges HF, Keeley AC, Troyan PJ. Professional resilience in baccalaureate – prepared acute care nurses: first steps. Nurs Educ Perspect 2008; 29(2):80-89.
  • [29] Luo Y, Wang H. Correlation research on psychological health impact on nursing students against stress, coping way and social support. Nurse Educ Today 2009; 29:5-8.
  • [30] Montes-Berges B, Augusto JM. Exploring the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, coping, social support and mental health in nursing students. J Psychiatr and Ment Health Nurs 2007;14:163-71.
  • [31] Pines EW, Rauschhuber ML, Norgan GH, Cook JD, Canchola L, Richardson C, Jones ME. Stress resiliency, psychological empowerment and conflict management styles among baccalaureate nursing students. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68(7):1482- 93.
  • [32] Ağaçdiken S, Bora NM, Özdelikara A. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik eğitimine yönelik yaşadıkları stres düzeyinin belirlenmesi. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016; 1(1):1-18.
  • [33] Altıok HÖ, Üstün B. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stres kaynakları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 2013; 13(2):747-66.
  • [34] Yıldırım N, Karacan A, Ankaralı H, Açıkgöz, F, Akkuş D. Stress experienced by Turkish nursing students and related factors. Clin and Exp Health Sci 2016; 6(3):121-28.
  • [35] Burnard P, Edwards D, Bennett K, Thaibah H, Tothova V, Baldacchino D. et al. . A comparative, longitudinal study of stress in student nurses in five countries: Albania, Brunei, the Czech Republic, Malta and Wales. Nurse Educ Today 2008; 28(2):134-45.
  • [36] Malkoç A, Yalçın I. Relationships among resilience, social support, coping, and psychological well-being among university students. TPCGJ 2015; 5 (43):35-43.
  • [37] Mayordomo-Rodríguez T, García-Massó X, Sales-Galán A, Meléndez-Moral JC, Serra-Añó P. Resilience patterns: Improving stress adaptation based on an individual’s personal features. Int J Aging Hum Dev, 2015; 80(4):316-31.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Aysel Ozsaban This is me 0000-0002-8739-8829

Nuray Turan 0000-0002-8362-3427

Hatice Kaya This is me 0000-0002-8427-0125

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Submission Date February 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Ozsaban, A., Turan, N., & Kaya, H. (2019). Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 69-76.
AMA Ozsaban A, Turan N, Kaya H. Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2019;9(1):69-76. doi:10.33808/marusbed.546903
Chicago Ozsaban, Aysel, Nuray Turan, and Hatice Kaya. “Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 1 (March 2019): 69-76.
EndNote Ozsaban A, Turan N, Kaya H (March 1, 2019) Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 1 69–76.
IEEE A. Ozsaban, N. Turan, and H. Kaya, “Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 69–76, 2019, doi: 10.33808/marusbed.546903.
ISNAD Ozsaban, Aysel et al. “Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/1 (March 2019), 69-76.
JAMA Ozsaban A, Turan N, Kaya H. Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:69–76.
MLA Ozsaban, Aysel et al. “Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 69-76, doi:10.33808/marusbed.546903.
Vancouver Ozsaban A, Turan N, Kaya H. Resilience in Nursing Students: The Effect of Academic Stress and Social Support. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(1):69-76.

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